Copy files and directories across systems without requiring a direct network line-of-sight. Netcp uses a cloud storage endpoint to store the data while in flight.
Copy files from the source computer:
computer-1> netcp up foo.tar.gz
uploading: foo.tar.gz
computer-1> netcp ls
1334 11 Aug 19:17 foo.tar.gz (e84e-445d-9a36)
212 11 Aug 22:14 bar.tar.gz (f720-4b05-af3a)
Paste files on the target computer (if you're logged in):
computer-2> netcp down foo.tar.gz /tmp/
downloading: foo.tar.gz
Paste files on the target computer (if you're not logged in):
computer-2> netcp down e84e-445d-9a36 /tmp/
downloading: foo.tar.gz
Note: files are automatically deleted after 48h.
Pre-built clients for Linux, macOS and Windows are available [here], or you can choose to build them from source. I am working to get them available on popular repositories such as Homebrew, Debian, ArchLinux and CentOS.
netcp's server is built on top of Google Cloud and heavily relies on Firebase Authentication, Firestore and Storage. However, I've tried to keep clean interfaces and porting it to other backend shouldn't be too complicated.