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CrashBreak gem is the exception notifier for integration with for ruby applications.

Rails Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'crashbreak'

And then execute from your rails root:

$ bundle

Generate CrashBreak initializer:

rails generate crashbreak:install your_api_key

If you want to use database dumper add those lines to datbase.yml file:

  <<: *default
  database: crashbreak-test

Example of crashbreak.rb (initializer)

Rails example

Grape example

Initializer options

Error Serializers

Each serializer converts an exception to JSON request, by customizing this you can create your own exception page in There are two types of serializers - summary serializer and hash serializer.

Summary serializer

Summary serializer specifies the first tab on the exception show view and data included in email. This is an example of default summary serializer:

class DefaultSummarySerializer < SummarySerializer
  def summary
      action: request.env['PATH_INFO'],
      controller_name: controller.class.to_s,
      file: exception.backtrace[0],
      url: request.env['REQUEST_URI'],
      user_agent: request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']

Hash serializer

By using hash serializer you can serialize your custom data into hash and display it in a new tab on our web page. For example this is the EnvironmentVariablesSerializer:

class EnvironmentVariablesSerializer < HashSerializer
  hash_name :environment

  def hash_value

It adds a new tab called "Environment" with all ENV variables displayed in "key: value" format.

Dumpers (and restorers)

Dumpers are responsible for dumping your system and preparing for restoration by a request test. There are two very important dumpers - request dumper and database dumper. Each dumper is connected to specific restorer (eg RequestDumper to RequestRestorer) to dump some part of the system and restore it in the CrashBreak test env. This is a part of the database dumper:

# Crashbreak::DatabaseDumper
def dump
  prepare_aws # you need your custom aws bucket
  { file_name: aws_file_name } # only this hash is stored by CrashBreak

# Crashbreak::DatabaseRestorer
def restore
  download_dump unless dump_already_downloaded

DatabaseDumper config

To work with DatabaseDumper you need to provide the storage for dump file and proper dump commands for your database. Read about AWS setup here. Default dump commands are declared in predifined settings.

We have already predefined configs for postgresql, heroku-postgresql and mongodb.

# initializers/crashbreak.rb

You can use predefined settings and override only some options (e.g setup_database_connection for a different way to connect to the database):

config.restorer_options = {
  setup_database_connection: -> { CustomDbConnnector.connect!('crashbreak_test') }


Example custom config for dumper and restorer:

 config.dumper_options = {
      dump_location: '/dumps/:error_id:/db.dump', # error_id is injected automatically
      dump_command: 'pg_dump -Fc my-database-name > /dumps/:error_id:/db.dump'
  config.restorer_options = {
    drop_test_database_command: 'dropdb crashbreak-test',
    create_test_database_command: 'createdb -T template0 crashbreak-test',
    restore_command: "pg_restore -O /dumps/:error_id:/db.dump -d crashbreak-test",
    setup_database_connection: -> { ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(YAML.load("#{Crashbreak.project_root}/config/database.yml"))['crashbreak_test']) }

Predefined settings

Dumping your database or any other part of the system requires configuration for dumpers, for example DatabaseDumper needs a command for dump db (e.g pg_dump for postgresql). There is a file with all predefined settings that you can use if you have standard setup. Please check this file. To be sure that all commands run correctly on your staging server please run it manually first and see the result.

Exception notifier

Dumping your system can take some time. In order to improve request response you can use different exception notifier.

config.exception_notifier =      # default notifier (one thread)
config.exception_notifier =  # creates fork



CrashBreak can automatically create a branch with a failing request for an exception that occurs on your staging / production server. Your part of the job is just to pull, run the test and fix the bug!

config.github_integration = true
config.github_login = ENV['GITHUB_USER']
config.github_password = ENV['GITHUB_PASSWORD']
config.github_repo_name = 'crashbreak/heroku-rails-example'

CI server

With the CI server you can automatically test your fix on an external server. If tests succeed, just run the CrashBreak rake task to resolve the error in our system. If you are using the GitHub integration, the rake task can also create a pull request from a branch with error to a master branch.

  - bundle exec rake crashbreak:resolve_error


Do not send any private / sensitive data to CrashBreak. Instead of this use your AWS to store it and send us only url or a file name. AWS is required for database dumper and restorer.

config.dumper_options = {
  aws_bucket_name: 'cb-test-app',
  aws_region: 'us-east-1',      # default: ENV['AWS_REGION']
  aws_access_key_id: 'xxx',     # default: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
  aws_secret_access_key: 'xxx', # default: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']

Deploy tracking

Capistrano 3

# Capfile
require 'crashbreak/capistrano3'

# deploy.rb
set :crashbreak_token, ENV['CRASHBREAK_TOKEN']
after 'deploy:finished', 'crashbreak:deploy'


You can track deploys by enabling free heroku addon:

heroku addons:add deployhooks:http --url=""

Adapt CrashBreak to your system and flow!

Read more about flow and extensions here.

Create your own plugin and improve current functionality - become a collaborator!

Request store

CrashBreak uses request store gem to store data and pass it to serializers and dumpers. By default it stores controller and exception instance and request object but you can add more.

All CrashBreak options can be found here.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


CrashBreak gem for rails and pure rack







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