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Running on MacOS

Sherif edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 1 revision

This guide explains how to run MikuMikuWorld on MacOS using wine.

The minimum supported version is MikuMikuWorld v2.2.2

1. Install brew

Open your terminal and type the following command to install brew. This will be used to install wine

brew tap homebrew/cask-versions


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

2. Install wine

Once brew is installed, run this command to install wine

brew install --no-quarantine gcenx/wine/wine-crossover

3. Run MikuMikuWorld

Download the latest release if you haven't already

Go to the directory/folder where you downloaded the application and option-click or right-click MikuMikuWorld.exe, select Open With, and choose Wine Crossover. Using regular Wine will not work because it attempts to run in 32-bit mode and the application is 64-bit.

If you want to double-click the .exe to run it you can option-click/right-click the .exe, select Get Info, under Open with: select Wine Crossover.

4. A Few Caveats

Some keyboard keys are mapped differently, particularly Alt and Delete:

Windows Key Equivalent MacOS Key
Alt Cmd
Delete Backspace

To use the delete key, you will need to re-configure the input bindings by going into Settings -> Key Config -> and re-adjust the key. Example: to delete notes on by default the delete key is used, on MacOS to get the same behavior, select the command that uses the delete key, and reconfigure the mapping by clicking on the input binding entry and tapping the key you want to map for.

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