Base16 provides carefully chosen syntax highlighting and a default set of sixteen colors suitable for a wide range of applications. Base16 is not a single theme but a set of guidelines with numerous implementations.
To test the different Base 16 themes out, check out
To add your own template, submit a pull request to and add your repository to the list below. Repository naming scheme: base16-[template-name] (with dashes as separators).
- Alacritty maintained by aaron-williamson
- C Header maintained by m1sports20
- Crosh maintained by philj56
- Dunst maintained by khamer
- Emacs maintained by belak
- Gnome Terminal maintained by aaron-williamson
- GTK+2 maintained by dawikur
- Highlight maintained by bezhermoso
- HTML Previews maintained by chriskempson
- i3 maintained by khamer
- Kakoune maintained by leira
- Konsole maintained by cskeeters
- MinTTY maintained by geoffstokes
- MonoDevelop maintained by netpyoung
- Prism maintained by atelierbram
- PuTTY maintained by benjojo
- Qt Creator maintained by ilpianista
- Shell maintained by chriskempson
- Termite maintained by khamer
- TextMate & Sublime Text maintained by chriskempson
- Vim maintained by chriskempson
- Windows Command Prompt maintained by iamthad
- XFCE4 Terminal maintained by afg984
- Xresources maintained by chriskempson
To add your own scheme, submit a pull request to and add your repository to the list below. Repository naming scheme: base16-[scheme-name]-scheme (with dashes as separators).
- Atelier maintained by atelierbram
- Circus maintained by stepchowfun and ewang12
- Default maintained by chriskempson
- Dracula maintained by mikebarkmin
- Github maintained by Defman21
- Gruvbox maintained by dawikur
- Materia maintained by Defman21
- Mexico-Light maintained by drzel
- Onedark maintained by tilal6991
- Summerfruit maintained by cscorley
- Tomorrow maintained by chriskempson
- Twilight maintained by hartbit
- Unikitty maintained by joshwlewis
- Woodland maintained by jcornwall
- Old Unclaimed Schemes - If your scheme is in this repository, please give it a new home!
Repository naming scheme: base16-builder-[language] (with dashes as separators).
- Base 16 Builder Clojure maintained by nhurden
- Base 16 Builder Go maintained by belak
- Base 16 Builder Perl maintained by loomer
- Base 16 Builder PHP maintained by chriskempson
- Base 16 Builder Node.js maintained by richardneililagan
- Base 16 Builder Rust maintained by ilpianista
- Base 16 Builder Ruby maintained by obahareth
The following is a list of useful resources for anyone creating a base16 scheme and or template:
- Code Examples - A list of example code file for various languages.
- TmTheme Editor - An online editor for themes in tmTheme format.
- Atom Editor
- c-Tiles16 - Colorscheming with Variables.
- Spacegray - A set of custom UI themes for Sublime Text 2/3.
- Harmonic16 - A color generator for harmonic base16 color-schemes.
- Duotone-base16 - A Duotone scheme to Base16 convertor.
- - Terminal Color Scheme Designer