This repo contains the code necessary to run language servers on Modal, used by the USACO Guide IDE.
Modal provides serverless function execution, allowing us to scale up or scale down the number of machines running these language servers. This previously was quite challenging to do without Modal -- we had to provision a large VM to handle peak traffic to the USACO Guide IDE, but this VM sat idle most of the time and frequently crashed, requiring a manual restart. Additionally, Modal provides a far superior developer experience compared to managing our own servers.
One concern is that Modal does not guarantee where your functions will run. If the function ends up running on a server that's far away from the end user, the latency for the language server may be quite high, which is undesireable. In practice though, the latency seems to be very good.
Another concern is Modal could preempt the container while a user is connected. This isn't too bad -- the user can just reload the page, or we can implement an auto-reconnect system on the USACO Guide IDE.
Currently, pyright and clangd-18 are supported. clangd-18 also supports compiler flags.
- Add Java language server
- Add Rust / Kotlin language server?
modal serve
modal deploy