My "fork" of the Adafruit Glow Fur adapter for use with 6-dof accelerometer/gyroscope MPU6050.
I adapted the code from Adafruit with additional routines for the Pro Mini, which has a lot more flash and SRAM play. The original/inspiration:
** !!! WARNING !!! Do not use onboard power regulator to power LEDs. It will quickly fry !!! **
(don't use the RAW/VIN pin for voltage input!)
Put regulated 5v to any other VCC pin on the board. For example from a USB Power Bank (any that can provide 1000 mA or more).
Fritzing circuit files soon to follow
FastLED color palettes (moving patterns - pattern changes direction according to MPU pitch angle):
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Stripe
- Ocean
- Heat
- Party
- Cloud
- Forest
Other routines:
- Fire2012 - changes motion speed in reference to MPU pitch; split in 2 to flow "down" both sides of the LED strip from the middle.
- Cylon - Larson scanner/cylon; changes colors in reference to MPU yaw
- Cylon Multi - 4 "scanners" moving simultaniously - not interactive yet
- Fade Glitter - sparkles/glitter that fades out slowly. More MPU movement = faster/more glitter
- Disco Glitter - sparkles/glitter that winks out immediately. More MPU movement = faster/more glitter
- Pulse2 - streamers of light slide down from middle to the sides
- Pulse Static - A pulse appears on random spots on the strip, fading in and out quickly
- Racers - 4 leds pixels race the strip, randomly speeding up and slowing down, overtaking each other
- Wave - Color filled strip changes brightness in reference to acceleration, color in reference to yaw
- Shake It - "shake out" colored pixels and streamers from ends of the strip by moving the MPU vigorously
- Strobe2 - Flashes all leds in a particular color above a certain acceleration threshhold, color in reference to yaw
- Black - no pattern, no reactions. Standby state