CosmosKit: A wallet connector for the Cosmos ⚛️
Cosmos Kit is a wallet adapter for developers to build apps that quickly and easily interact with Cosmos blockchains and wallets.
Create Cosmos App: Set up a modern Cosmos app by running one command ⚛️
Everything is preconfigured, ready-to-go, so you can focus on your code!
- ⚡️ Connect easily to keplr + keplr mobile via wallet connect
- ⚛️ Sign and broadcast with cosmjs stargate + cosmwasm signers
- 🛠 Render pages with next.js hybrid static & server rendering
- 🎨 Build awesome UI with Cosmos Kit and Chakra UI
- 📝 Leverage chain-registry for Chain and Asset info for all Cosmos chains
Connecting web applications to the Cosmos ecosystem.
You can test the library on
yarn && yarn start
# OR
npm install && npm run start
Now It supports React application only.
- Install Cosmodal npm package
yarn add cosmodal
# OR
npm install --save cosmodal
- Import
and render it around your whole app.
import { getKeplrFromWindow } from "@keplr-wallet/stores";
import WalletConnect from "@walletconnect/client";
import {
} from "cosmodal";
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";
import Head from "next/head";
import { EmbedChainInfos } from "../config";
const walletInfoList: WalletInfo[] = [
id: "keplr-wallet-extension",
name: "Keplr Wallet",
description: "Keplr Browser Extension",
logoImgUrl: "/keplr-wallet-extension.png",
getWallet: () => getKeplrFromWindow(),
id: "walletconnect-keplr",
name: "WalletConnect",
description: "Keplr Mobile",
logoImgUrl: "/walletconnect-keplr.png",
getWallet: (connector?: WalletConnect) =>
? new KeplrWalletConnectV1(connector, EmbedChainInfos)
: undefined
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
<WalletManagerProvider walletInfoList={walletInfoList}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
- Manage and Use wallet using
in your component
import { Keplr } from "@keplr-wallet/types";
import { KeplrWalletConnectV1, useWalletManager } from "cosmodal";
import type { NextPage } from "next";
import { useState } from "react";
const Home: NextPage = () => {
const [address, setAddress] = useState("");
const { getWallet } = useWalletManager();
const connectWallet = async () => {
const wallet: Keplr | KeplrWalletConnectV1 = await getWallet();
await wallet.enable(["cosmoshub-4"]);
const key = await wallet.getKey("cosmoshub-4");
return <div>Your address: {address}</div>;
export default Home;
To learn more about Cosmodal API, please check our example code
To learn more about how to use Keplr-specific API, please check the following resources:
To learn more about JavaScript client library for Cosmos check out CosmJS