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nmik committed Oct 2, 2024
1 parent 99fdff7 commit 41244c5
Showing 1 changed file with 382 additions and 0 deletions.
382 changes: 382 additions & 0 deletions cosipy/polarization/
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@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.stats import poisson_conf_interval
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from cosipy.polarization import PolarizationAngle
from cosipy.polarization.conventions import MEGAlibRelativeX, IAUPolarizationConvention
from cosipy.response import FullDetectorResponse
from scoords import SpacecraftFrame
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate

def calculate_azimuthal_scattering_angle(self, psi, chi):
Calculate the azimuthal scattering angle of a scattered photon.
psi : float
Polar angle (radians) of scattered photon in local coordinates
chi : float
Azimuthal angle (radians) of scattered photon in local coordinates
azimuthal_angle : astropy.coordinates.Angle
Azimuthal scattering angle defined with respect to given reference vector

# Convert scattered photon vector from spherical to Cartesian coordinates
scattered_photon_vector = [np.sin(psi) * np.cos(chi), np.sin(psi) * np.sin(chi), np.cos(psi)]

# Project scattered photon vector onto plane perpendicular to source direction
d =, self._source_vector_cartesian) /, self._source_vector_cartesian)
projection = [scattered_photon_vector[0] - (d * self._source_vector_cartesian[0]),
scattered_photon_vector[1] - (d * self._source_vector_cartesian[1]),
scattered_photon_vector[2] - (d * self._source_vector_cartesian[2])]

# Calculate angle between scattered photon vector & reference vector on plane perpendicular to source direction
cross_product = np.cross(projection, self._reference_vector_cartesian)
if, cross_product) < 0:
sign = -1
sign = 1
normalization = np.sqrt(, projection)) * np.sqrt(, self._reference_vector_cartesian))

azimuthal_angle = Angle(sign * np.arccos(, self._reference_vector_cartesian) / normalization), unit=u.rad)

return azimuthal_angle

class PolarizationStokes():
Stokes parameter method to fit polarization.
source_vector : astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate.SkyCoord
Source direction
source_spectrum : astromodels.functions.functions_1D
Spectrum of source
response_file : str or pathlib.Path
Path to detector response
sc_orientation : cosipy.spacecraftfile.SpacecraftFile.SpacecraftFile
Spacecraft orientation

def __init__(self, source_vector, source_spectrum, response_file, sc_orientation):

if fit_convention == None:
self._convention = MEGAlibRelativeX(attitude=source_vector.attitude)
self._convention = fit_convention

reference_vector = self._convention.get_basis(source_vector)[0] #px

if isinstance(source_vector.frame, SpacecraftFrame):
self._source_vector = source_vector
self._source_vector = source_vector.transform_to(SpacecraftFrame(attitude=source_vector.attitude))

if isinstance(reference_vector.frame, SpacecraftFrame):
self._reference_vector = reference_vector
self._reference_vector = reference_vector.transform_to(SpacecraftFrame(attitude=source_vector.attitude))

self._source_vector_cartesian = [self._source_vector.cartesian.x.value,
self._reference_vector_cartesian = [self._reference_vector.cartesian.x.value,

self._expectation, self._azimuthal_angle_bins = self.convolve_spectrum(source_spectrum, response_file, sc_orientation)

self._energy_range = [min(self.response.axes['Em'].edges.value), max(self.response.axes['Em'].edges.value)]

def convolve_spectrum(self, spectrum, response_file, sc_orientation):
Convolve source spectrum with response and calculate azimuthal scattering angle bins.
response_file : str or pathlib.Path
Path to detector response
sc_orientation : cosipy.spacecraftfile.SpacecraftFile.SpacecraftFile
Spacecraft orientation
expectation : cosipy.response.PointSourceResponse.PointSourceResponse
Expected counts in each bin of Compton data space
azimuthal_angle_bins : list
Centers of azimuthal scattering angle bins calculated from PsiChi bins in response

self.response =

target_in_sc_frame = sc_orientation.get_target_in_sc_frame(target_name='source', target_coord=self._source_vector.transform_to('galactic'))
dwell_time_map = sc_orientation.get_dwell_map(response=response_file, src_path=target_in_sc_frame)

psr = self.response.get_point_source_response(exposure_map=dwell_time_map, coord=self._source_vector.transform_to('galactic'))

expectation = psr.get_expectation(spectrum)

azimuthal_angle_bins = []

for i in range(expectation.axes['PsiChi'].nbins):
azimuthal_angle = self.calculate_azimuthal_scattering_angle(expectation.project(['PsiChi']).axes['PsiChi'].pix2ang(i)[0], expectation.project(['PsiChi']).axes['PsiChi'].pix2ang(i)[1])

return expectation, azimuthal_angle_bins

def calculate_azimuthal_scattering_angles(self, unbinned_data):
Calculate the azimuthal scattering angles for all events in a dataset.
unbinned_data : dict
Unbinned data including polar and azimuthal angles (radians) of scattered photon in local coordinates
azimuthal_angles : list
Azimuthal scattering angles. Each angle must be an astropy.coordinates.Angle object

azimuthal_angles = []

for i in range(len(unbinned_data['Psi local'])):
if unbinned_data['Energies'][i] >= self._energy_range[0] and unbinned_data['Energies'][i] <= self._energy_range[1]:
azimuthal_angle = self.calculate_azimuthal_scattering_angle(unbinned_data['Psi local'][i], unbinned_data['Chi local'][i])

return azimuthal_angles

def compute_pseudo_stokes(self, azimuthal_angles):
Calculates photon-by-photon pseudo stokes parameters from the photon azimutal angle.
azimuthal_angles : list
Azimuthal scattering angles (radians)
qs : list
list of pseudo-q parameters for each photon (ordered as input array)
us : list
list of pseudo-u parameters for each photon (ordered as input array)

qs = 2. * np.cos(2. * azimuthal_angles)
us = 2. * np.sin(2. * azimuthal_angles)

return qs, us

def create_unpolarized_asad(self, bins=None):
Calculate the azimuthal scattering angles for all bins.
bins : int or np.array, optional
Number of azimuthal scattering angle bins if int or edges of azimuthal scattering angle bins if np.array (radians)
asad : dict
Counts and Gaussian/Poisson errors in each azimuthal scattering angle bin

if not bins == None:
if isinstance(bins, int):
bin_edges = Angle(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, bins), unit=u.rad)
bin_edges = bins
bin_edges = self._bin_edges

unpolarized_asad = []

for i in range(len(bin_edges)-1):
counts = 0
for j in range(self._expectation.project(['PsiChi']).nbins):
if self._azimuthal_angle_bins[j] >= bin_edges[i] and self._azimuthal_angle_bins[j] < bin_edges[i+1]:
counts += self._expectation.project(['PsiChi'])[j]

return bin_edges, unpolarized_asad

def create_unpolarized_pseudo_stokes(self, bin_edges, unpolarized_asad, total_num_events):
Calculate the azimuthal scattering angles for all bins.
bins : int or np.array, optional
Number of azimuthal scattering angle bins if int or edges of azimuthal scattering angle bins if np.array (radians)
qs : list
list of pseudo-q parameters for each photon (ordered as input array)
us : list
list of pseudo-u parameters for each photon (ordered as input array)

# I would like to radomly extract an azimutal angle for each photon based on the unpolarized response.
# There might be an energy dependence here, so we should thing carfully

# Create teh spline from teh unpol azimutal angle distrib
spline_unpol = interpolate.interp1d(bin_edges, unpolarized_asad, bc_type='natural')

# Create fine bins and normalize to the area to get a probability density function (PDF)
fine_bins = np.linspace(bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1], 1000)
fine_probabilities = spline_unpol(fine_bins)
total_area = np.trapz(fine_probabilities, fine_bins) # Numerical integration using trapezoidal rule
fine_probabilities /= total_area

# Compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF)
cdf = np.cumsum(fine_probabilities)
cdf = cdf / cdf[-1] # Normalize the CDF to make it a proper probability distribution

#Invert the CDF
inv_cdf = interpolate.interp1d(cdf, fine_bins, kind='linear', fill_value="extrapolate")

#Generate random samples from a uniform distribution and map them to azimuthal angles
random_values = np.random.rand(total_num_events)
unpol_azimuthal_angles = inv_cdf(random_values)

qs_unpol = 2. * np.cos(2. * unpol_azimuthal_angles)
us_unpol = 2. * np.sin(2. * unpol_azimuthal_angles)

return qs_unpol, us_unpol

def calculate_mu100(self, polarized_asads, unpolarized_asad):
Calculate the modulation (mu) of an 100% polarized source.
polarized_asads : list
Counts and Gaussian/Poisson errors in each azimuthal scattering angle bin for each polarization angle bin for 100% polarized source
unpolarized_asad : list or np.array
Counts and Gaussian/Poisson errors in each azimuthal scattering angle bin for unpolarized source
mu_100 : dict
Modulation of 100% polarized source and uncertainty of constant function fit to modulation in all polarization angle bins

mu_100_list = []
mu_100_uncertainties = []
for i in range(self._expectation.axes['Pol'].nbins):
print('Polarization angle bin: ' + str(self._expectation.axes['Pol'].edges[i]) + ' to ' + str(self._expectation.axes['Pol'].edges[i+1]))
asad_polarized = {'counts': polarized_asads['counts'][i], 'uncertainties': polarized_asads['uncertainties'][i]}
asad_polarized_corrected = self.correct_asad(asad_polarized, unpolarized_asad)
mu_100 = self.calculate_mu(asad_polarized_corrected['counts'], bounds=([0, 0, 0], [np.inf,np.inf,np.pi]), sigma=asad_polarized_corrected['uncertainties'])
self.plot_asad(asad_polarized_corrected['counts'], asad_polarized_corrected['uncertainties'], 'Corrected 100% Polarized ASAD',, asad_polarized_corrected['counts'], bounds=([0, 0, 0], [np.inf,np.inf,np.pi]), sigma=asad_polarized_corrected['uncertainties'])['best fit parameter values'])

popt, pcov = curve_fit(self.constant, self._expectation.axes['Pol'].centers, mu_100_list, sigma=mu_100_uncertainties)
mu_100 = {'mu': popt[0], 'uncertainty': pcov[0][0]}

plt.scatter(self._expectation.axes['Pol'].centers, mu_100_list)
plt.errorbar(self._expectation.axes['Pol'].centers, mu_100_list, yerr=mu_100_uncertainties, linewidth=0, elinewidth=1)
plt.plot([0, 175], [mu_100['mu'], mu_100['mu']])
plt.xlabel('Polarization Angle (degrees)')

print('mu_100:', round(mu_100['mu'], 2))

return mu_100

def calculate_polarization(I, qs, us, unpol_qs, unpol_us , mu, W2=None):
# contunue here below
"""Calculate the polarization degree and angle, with the associated
uncertainties, for a given q and u.
This implements equations (21), (36), (22) and (37) in the paper,
Note that the Stokes parameters passed as the input arguments are assumed
to be normalized to the modulation factor (for Q and U) on an
event-by-event basis and summed over the proper energy range.
Great part of the logic is meant to avoid runtime zero-division errors.
if xStokesAnalysis._check_polarization_input(I, Q, U):
abort('Invalid input to xStokesAnalysis.calculate_polarization()')
# If W2 is not, i.e, we are not passing the sum of weights, we assume
# that the analysis is un-weighted, and the acceptance correction is
# not applied, in which case W2 = I and the scale for the errors is 1.
if W2 is None:
W2 = I
# Initialize the output arrays.
err_scale = np.full(I.shape, 1.)
pd = np.full(I.shape, 0.)
pd_err = np.full(I.shape, 0.)
pa = np.full(I.shape, 0.)
pa_err = np.full(I.shape, 0.)
# Define the basic mask---we are only overriding the values for the array
# elements that pass the underlying selection.
# Note we need I > 1., and not simply I > 0., to avoid any possible
# zero-division runtime error in the calculations, including the error
# propagation.
mask = I > 1.
# First pass at the polarization degree, which is needed to compute the
# modulation, which is in turn one of the ingredients of the error
# propagation (remember that Q and U are the reconstructed quantities,
# i.e., already divided by the modulation factor).
pd[mask] = np.sqrt(Q[mask]**2. + U[mask]**2.) / I[mask]
# Convert the polarization to modulation---this is needed later for the
# error propagation.
m = pd * mu
# We want the bins to satify the relation (m^2 < 2), since (2 - m^2)
# is one of the factors of the errors on the polarization.
mask = np.logical_and(mask, m**2. < 2.)
# We also want to make sure that the modulation factor is nonzero--see
# formula for the polarization error.
# It's not entirely clear to me why that would happen, but I assume that
# if you have a bin with a couple of very-low energy events it is maybe
# possible?
mask = np.logical_and(mask, mu > 0.)
# Create a masked version of the necessary arrays.
_I = I[mask]
_Q = Q[mask]
_U = U[mask]
_W2 = W2[mask]
_mu = mu[mask]
_m = m[mask]
# Second pass on the polarization with the final mask.
pd[mask] = np.sqrt(_Q**2. + _U**2.) / _I
# See equations (A.4a) and (A.4b), and compare with equations (17a) and
# (17b) for the origin of the factor sqrt(W2 / I). Also note that a
# square root is missing in (A.4a) and (A.4b).
err_scale[mask] = np.sqrt(_W2 / _I)
# Calculate the errors on the polarization degree
pd_err[mask] = err_scale[mask] * np.sqrt((2. - _m**2.) / ((_I - 1.) * _mu**2.))
assert np.isfinite(pd).all()
assert np.isfinite(pd_err).all()
# And, finally, the polarization angle and fellow uncertainty.
pa[mask] = 0.5 * np.arctan2(_U, _Q)
pa_err[mask] = err_scale[mask] / (_m * np.sqrt(2. * (_I - 1.)))
assert np.isfinite(pa).all()
assert np.isfinite(pa_err).all()
# Convert to degrees, if needed.
if degrees:
pa = np.degrees(pa)
pa_err = np.degrees(pa_err)
return pd, pd_err, pa, pa_err

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