This is a a set of two functions which are needed for the "remote_write" and "remote_read" configuration of Prometheus. It enables the user to use Azure Data Explorer to read and write metrics. Some more details can be found on this article.
(take a look at the architecure and have fun in the Azure portal or contribute some proper ARM templates :D)
.create table RawData ingestion json mapping "RawDataMapping" '[{ "column" : "d", "datatype" : "dynamic", "path" : "$"}]'
.create function Update_SearchExplosion()
| extend id = new_guid()
| mv-expand d.Samples
| extend value=todouble(d_Samples.Value), ts=datetime(1970-01-01) + tolong(d_Samples.Timestamp)*1ms, labels=d.Labels
| project-away d_Samples
| mv-expand labels
| extend label=tostring(labels.Name), labelValue=tostring(labels.Value)
| project-away labels
| extend p = pack(label, labelValue)
| summarize label=make_bag(p), timeseries=any(d), value=any(value) by ['id'], ts
| project-away ['id']
.create table SearchExplosion (ts: datetime, label: dynamic, timeseries: dynamic, value: real)
.alter table SearchExplosion policy update
@'[{"IsEnabled": true, "Source": "RawData", "Query": "Update_SearchExplosion()", "IsTransactional": false, "PropagateIngestionProperties": false}]'
Sample config extension for prometheus.yml:
- url: "https://<writeFunc>"
remote_timeout: 30s
capacity: 100000
max_shards: 1000
max_samples_per_send: 1000
batch_send_deadline: 5s
max_retries: 10
min_backoff: 30ms
max_backoff: 100ms
- url: "https://<readFunc>"
read_recent: true