A package with functions related to CORU
- Include
#' @export
before the function - Include
#' @param
for each parameter of the function - Run devtools::document()
- Be happy, like a hippo
See Fong Chun Chan's Blog and Rpackages for a great tutorial on how to start your own function
Each new function should have at least the following documentation:
#' @author
#' @export
#' @param
#' @return
#' examples
- devtools::install_github("jepa/Rcoru"), run this function to install the package -- set force = TRUE for updates and restart R
- You will need to be connected to the UBC network for any function to work
- Paths are like the ocean, in constant change! Unfortunately, the functions are not that dynamic!
function is working as of May 2020 ((Needs double checkingread_dbem
function is working as of May 2020 (Needs double checking)read_dbem_ens
function is working as of May 2020 (Needs double checking)clim_plot
function is working as of May 2020 (Needs double checking)
- "tibble","dplyr","data.table","ggplot2","here"
- Juliano Palacios Abrantes