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Corespring Container

Contains the container libraries, and a shell module so you can run the application with some dummy data.

This will allow integration points into the main corespring-api project.


These tools should be on your PATH:


Play 2.2.1


Node and Npm

Bower npm install -g bower


git clone --recursive [email protected]:corespring/corespring-container.git

Important !!

The command above should add the corespring-components as a submodule. If it doesn't you'll need to add this repo.

git submodule init
git submodule update


Credentials file

To successfully run sbt/play, you'll need to install the ivy credentials file that will grant you access to

It should be placed here:


Ask one of the others to supply you with it.


  • CONTAINER_S3_KEY - mandatory - Amazon s3 key
  • CONTAINER_S3_SECRET - mandatory - Amazon s3 secret
  • CONTAINER_COMPONENTS_PATH - optional - the path to the components library


There are some logging config files in conf/logging/*.xml.

If deploying the shell app to heroku you can change the logger by updating:

  • ENV_LOGGER - relative path to logger file eg: conf/logging/debug.xml

Production mode: When setting this path in a Prod mode play application, you must use an absolute path. This is because play doesn't guarantee the use of relative paths for files relative to the application working dir. see: playframework/playframework#2411 for more information.

The s3 bucket is set to: corespring-container-test-bucket

The most straightforward way to obtain these keys if you do not have them is to get them from Heroku:

heroku config --app corespring-container-devt | grep S3

If you do not have access to the Heroku application, please get in touch with someone to give you access.

Seeding the Database

Ensure that you have Coffeescript installed:

which coffee

If this returns nothing, you'll need to install it globally with NPM:

sudo npm install -g coffee-script

Afterwards, install the project modules:

cd bin
npm install
cd ..

Seeding a remote db

./bin/seed-db mongodb://

Run play app and install client side dependencies

[shell] npm install # installs the dependencies for the container-client
[shell] bower install # installs the ui dependenceis for the container-client
[shell] grunt loadComponentDependencies (or grunt lcd - for conciseness) # loads any 3rd party libs defined by the components
[shell] run # start the server



Publishing jars

play publish #will publish the SNAPSHOT jars to the remote repo
play publish-local #will publish the SNAPSHOT jars to the local repo

Creating a release

We use the following plugins to help the release flow:

The release steps are as follows:


If you want to prepare a release, from develop call create-release-branch. This will create a branch with the name: release-X.X.X for you, and bump the version in develop.

Once you are happy with your release branch - merge it to rc (short for release candidate). This will automatically build a release candidate slug and deploy it to QA.


If you want to create a hotfix, from master, call create-hotfix-branch, you'll be prompted to choose the parent tag for your hotfix.

As above, once you are happy with your hotfix branch - merge it to hf. This will automatically build a release candidate slug and deploy it to QA.

build/publish the release

Once you are happy with the release - we can build the release on CI. This will call the release task that is configured in project/CustomRelease.scala.

version.sbt - always keep it as a SNAPSHOT version

Because we are using sbt-release, we should keep the version as a SNAPSHOT always. The plugin will the manage creating the appropriate release and publish it for us.

Then go to http://localhost:9000

Running the Rig



Grunt integration with Play

  • grunt npm and bower are all available as commands within the play console.
  • When you start the play server you trigger the grunt run task. This will set up a watch on the container-client's client side resources.