Splits up the Length, Empty and Nil matchers.
Unfortunately, for matchers that work on arrays, maps or pointers will still require the compiler to be told the type of the underlying value.
// nil pointer, actual is declared as `*string`
then.AssertThat(testing, values.actual, is.NilPtr[string]())
//[]int actual
then.AssertThat(stubTestingT, test.actual, has.Length[int](test.expected))
// map
then.AssertThat(t, map[string]bool{"hello": true}, has.MapLength[string, bool](1))
.. but vanilla Nil only works on errors and requires no boilerplate types:
then.AssertThat(stubTestingT, someError, is.Nil())
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1