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Kolja Dummann edited this page Feb 4, 2017 · 2 revisions

he mbeddr.arduino repository contains tow parts:

The first one is mbeddr.arduino itself which is a MPS plug-in that is using mbeddr. This plugin can be build two ways, directly from the MPS IDE or with ant from the command line.

Building the plug-in with gradle

This is the easiest and preferred way to build the project. It has virtually zero requirements, except a working java installation on your machine. On Linux and Mac run:

./gradlew assemble

on Windows:

gradlew.bat assemble

In the root of the repo. It will download all dependencies and then build the plugin.

Building the plug-in with MPS

Open mbeddr.arduino.mpr from the root of the repository with MPS. If you are using mbeddr build from source you need to add a extra library to the project. To do so navigate to File->Settings, then select Project Librariess and add a new library named mbeddr.core that point to your mbeddr code directory not the mbeddr.ardunio directory. Now you can build the solution.

Building the support library

The second one is a support library that is used by the generated code to perform operations like accessing the analog inputs. This is done because the code needs some more complexity like loops and dealing with interrupts which would be a pain to express with generator templates. The code for this library is located in the lib subdirectory.

To build it navigate to the lib folder of the repository and run make this will build the library for all supported platforms.