Little things I've written that aren't quite big enough to be in their own repositories, but are nonetheless interesting and worth sharing (in my humble opinion)!
- Implementation of linear and quadratic regression by gradient descent
- Implementation of a linked list using lambdas
- Demonstration of principal component analysis from
- Implementation of a PCA-based algorithm for reducing data to two dimensions
- Function for calculating an eigenvalue of a matrix given a corresponding eigenvector
- Function for estimating an eigenvector of a matrix given a corresponding eigenvalue
- Uses the inverse iteration algorithm
- Function for estimating the covariance matrix of a data matrix
- Function for estimating the top eigenvector of a matrix
- Uses the power iteration algorithm
- Function for matrix deflation to nullify an eigenpair
- Uses the Wielandt deflation algorithm
- Function for the LU decomposition of a square matrix
- Function for converting a camelCase string to snake_case
- Object and utility class for simulating dice rolls
- Classes and algorithms for graphs
- One-liner
implementation of binary search
- Implementation of Hoare's partitioning algorithm, with the middle index selected as the pivot