Ever wanted to capture stats (#requests, onload time, etc.) about the state of your frontend? Us too! Chrome Debugger uses the remote debugging protocol in Chrome to do just that!
Intended to be a used in a post-deploy or CI step.
gem install chrome_debugger
Chrome 18 or higher must be installed and available on the path.
require 'chrome_debugger'
ChromeDebugger::Client.open do |chrome|
document = chrome.load_url("https://theconversation.edu.au/")
puts "request count: #{document.request_count}"
puts "onload event fired: #{document.onload_event}"
puts "dom content event fired: #{document.dom_content_event}"
puts "payload document encoded bytes: #{document.encoded_bytes("Document")}"
puts "payload script encoded bytes: #{document.encoded_bytes("Script")}"
puts "payload image encoded bytes: #{document.encoded_bytes("Image")}"
puts "payload stylesheet encoded bytes: #{document.encoded_bytes("Stylesheet")}"
puts "payload other encoded bytes: #{document.encoded_bytes("Other")}"
puts "payload document bytes: #{document.bytes("Document")}"
puts "payload script bytes: #{document.bytes("Script")}"
puts "payload image bytes: #{document.bytes("Image")}"
puts "payload stylesheet bytes: #{document.bytes("Stylesheet")}"
puts "payload other bytes: #{document.bytes("Other")}"
puts "script requests: #{document.request_count_by_resource("Script")}"
puts "image requests: #{document.request_count_by_resource("Image")}"
puts "stylesheet requests: #{document.request_count_by_resource("Stylesheet")}"
Refer to the ChromeDebugger::Client
and ChromeDebugger::Document
classes for
detailed docs.
starts and manages a new chrome session.
provides an entry point for querying the results of
a page load.
- https://developers.google.com/chrome-developer-tools/docs/remote-debugging
- http://www.igvita.com/2012/04/09/driving-google-chrome-via-websocket-api/
Possible further work.
- make the chrome path configurable
- make headless mode configurable
chrome_debugger is Copyright (c) 2012 The Conversation Media Group and distributed under the MIT license.