This library helps to generate TypeScript type definition for the content types available in a Stack.
$ npm install @contentstack/types-generator
for Common JS (CJS)
import {<< required method >>} from "@contentstack/types-generator"
for ECMAScript Modules (ESM)
import {<< required method >>} from "@contentstack/types-generator/dist/web"
This is an asynchronous method which generates Typescript type definition of the content types available in a Stack using given inputs. Use this method for REST API
Property Name | Description | Data type | Accepted values | Mandatory | Default value |
token | Unique identifier used for authorization | String | Yes | ||
tokenType | Type of token being provided (Currently we are supporting only delivery token) | String | delivery | Yes | |
apiKey | Stack API key | String | Yes | ||
environment | Name of the environment (example: development, staging, production) | String | Yes | ||
region | Contentstack API region | String | US (for AWS NA), EU (for AWS EU), AZURE_NA, AZURE_EU, GCP_NA | Yes | |
branch | Stack branch name | String | No | ||
prefix | Optional prefix to add for each interface | String | No | ||
includeDocumentation | To add content type documentation in the generated file | boolean | true, false | No | true |
systemFields | Boolean flag indicating whether to include system-generated fields in the response | boolean | true, false | No | false |
Returns a Promise that resolves with data or rejects with an error.
If resolved:
Type: String
Data: Generated Typescript type definition
If rejected:
Type: Error Object
Data: An object with error_message
Example usage: generateTS()
import { generateTS } from "@contentstack/types-generator"; // Import statement for NodeJS
import { generateTS } from "@contentstack/types-generator/dist/web"; // Import statement for Web application
async function getTypeDef() {
try {
const typeDef = await generateTS({
token: "<< your_delivery_token >>",
tokenType: "delivery", // Currently we are supporting only delivery token
apiKey: "<< your_stack_api_key >>",
environment: "development",
region: "US",
branch: "main",
prefix: "CS",
includeDocumentation: true,
systemFields: false,
// Handle the resolved promise, e.g., process the typeDef
} catch (error) {
// Handle the rejected promise
// error: { error_message: "Unauthorized! Please check the given token and api key" }
Example output: generateTS()
/** This is a description. */
interface BuiltinExample {
/** Title */
title: string;
/** URL */
url: string;
/** Group1 */
group1?: {
/** Group2 */
group2?: {
/** Group3 */
group3?: {
/** Number */
number?: number;
/** SEO */
seo?: Seo;
/** Single line textbox */
single_line?: string;
/** Multi line textbox */
multi_line?: string;
/** Rich text editor */
rich_text_editor?: string;
/** Multiple Single Line Textbox */
multiple_single_line_textbox?: string[];
/** Markdown */
markdown?: string;
/** Multiple Choice */
multiple_choice?: ("Choice 1" | "Choice 2" | "Choice 3")[];
/** Single Choice */
single_choice: "Choice 1" | "Choice 2" | "Choice 3";
/** Modular Blocks */
modular_blocks?: ModularBlocks[];
/** Number */
number?: number;
/** Link */
link?: Link;
/** File */
file?: File;
/** Boolean */
boolean?: boolean;
/** Date */
date?: string;
interface ModularBlocks {
block_1: {
/** Number */
number?: number;
/** Single line textbox */
single_line?: string;
block_2: {
/** Boolean */
boolean?: boolean;
/** Date */
date?: string;
seo_gf: {
/** Keywords */
keywords?: string;
/** Description */
description?: string;
This is an asynchronous method which generates Typescript type definition of the content types available in a Stack using given inputs for GraphQL. Use this method for GraphQL
Property Name | Description | Data type | Accepted values | Mandatory |
token | Unique identifier used for authorization. This should be the delivery token of the stack. | String | Yes | |
apiKey | Stack API key | String | Yes | |
environment | Name of the environment (example: development, staging, production) | String | Yes | |
region | Contentstack API region | String | US (for AWS NA), EU (for AWS EU), AZURE_NA, AZURE_EU, GCP_NA | Yes |
branch | Stack branch name | String | No | |
namespace | Identifies the specific namespace within schema | String | No |
Returns a Promise that resolves with data or rejects with an error.
If resolved:
Type: String
Data: Generated Typescript type definition
If rejected:
Type: Error Object
Data: An object with error_message
Example usage: graphqlTS()
import { graphqlTS } from "@contentstack/types-generator"; // Import statement for NodeJS
async function getTypeDef() {
try {
const typeDef = await graphqlTS({
token: "<< your_delivery_token >>", // Currently we are supporting only delivery token
apiKey: "<< your_stack_api_key >>",
environment: "development",
region: "US",
branch: "main",
namespace: "<< your_name_space >>",
// Handle the resolved promise, e.g., process the typeDef
} catch (error) {
// Handle the rejected promise
// error: { error_message: "Unauthorized! Please check the given token and api key" }