Tic-tac-toe game implemented in Python 3.6+
To run the game, simply download the entire folder and run:
python tictactoe.py
for the command line interface version, or:
python tictactoeGUI.py
for the GUI version.
Python 3.6 or above.
That's it! The GUI library is already included (appJar folder).
- appJar - The GUI framework used.
The CLI version of the game is free to be downloaded, modified and redistributed (even for commercial uses). The software is "as is", so there are no warranties and I take no resposabilities for any use of it.
The GUI version is restricted by the use of appJar library - from their website:
appJar is released under the Apache License 2.0
So, you're free to use it, modify it & redistribute it, as long as you acknowledge my copyright, and aren't trying to make money out of it...