A vector parameter study of the SWASH wave-flow model driven by the Dakota iterative systems analysis toolkit.
This study is broken into two stages.
In the first stage,
through the dakota_run_driver.py script,
creates a series of independent PBS submissions,
one for each iteration of the parameter study (currently 7),
each using the submission script
The submission script uses mpiexec
to call SWASH in parallel
using 8 processors
on one compute node.
Output from each run is collected and stored
in a directory run.N,
where N = 1, 2, ..., 7.
In the second stage, Dakota analyses the results of each iteration with the dakota_analysis_driver.py script and creates the tabular output file dakota.dat, which summarizes the results of the parameter study.
On beach, add Dakota paths with:
export DAKOTA_DIR=/usr/local/dakota
Also, I recommend using the Anaconda Python distribution instead of the default Python:
Run the first stage of the study with:
$ dakota -i dakota_run.in -o dakota_run.out &> run.log
After the first stage completes, run the second stage with:
$ dakota -i dakota_analysis.in -o dakota_analysis.out &> analysis.log
View the results of the study in dakota.dat:
$ cat dakota.dat
%eval_id interface BOT-sand Ufric_x_002800_000-mean Ufric_x_002800_000-stdev
1 0 2 0.00145875 0.0223389
2 0 2.5 0.00474198 0.0264774
3 0 3 -0.000528284 0.0221227
4 0 3.5 -0.0115249 0.0196799
5 0 4 -0.0152711 0.0199635
6 0 4.5 -0.0163003 0.0195528
7 0 5 -0.017241 0.0196005