<-- Navigation -->
<-- "a": Timestep backwards -->
<-- "s": Stop Simulation -->
<-- "d": Timestep forwards -->
<-- "Ctrl+p": Print SVG to PDF (in Chrome) -->
<-- Info: -->
<-- Nodesize: Within-layer total degree -->
<-- Edgesize: Individual-connection weight -->
<-- Actions: -->
<-- Hover: Across-layer 1st-order neighbourhood -->
<-- Ctrl+Hover: Across-layer 1st-order out-neighbourhood -->
<-- Alt+Hover: Across-layer 1st-order in-neighbourhood -->
<-- Click: Across-layer next-order neighbourhood -->
<-- Ctrl+Click Across-layer next-order out-neighbourhood -->
<-- Alt+Click Across-layer next-order in-neighbourhood -->
<-- Shift+Click: Across-layer max-order neighbourhood -->
<-- Shift+Ctrl+Click: Across-layer max-order out-neighbourhood -->
<-- Shift+Alt+Click: Across-layer max-order in-neighbourhood -->
<-- Click Layer: Stop simulation -->
<-- Drag Node: Resume simulation -->
<-- Utilities -->
<-- Hover Node + Click Shift Immediately: Prevent Tooltip (from blocking space) -->
<-- Hold Shift with last Click: Display all remaining connections of neighbourhood in last step -->