SOcial and PHilogenetic Investigation of Epidemics
Main function: AMNetCons = inferTransNetSOPHIE(filePhylo,nSamp,degDistrType,degDistr,transRate,consType,enforceTree,visualize)
Input paramers:
- filePhylo - name of file with the phylogenetic tree (in Newick or Nexus formats)
- nSamp - number of samples from the joint distribution of ancestral label assignments
- degDistrType - type of random contact network degree distribution. possible variants: 'power law', 'custom'
- degDistr - exponent of the power law contact network degree distribution (if degDistrType = 'power law') or actual distribution (if degDistrType = 'custom')
- transRate - transmission rate (used in Jukes-Cantor trait substitution model)
- consType - the likelihood used to build a consensus transmission tree. Variants: 'joint' (default), 'phylogenetic', 'network'
- enforceTree - whether to force algorithm to consider only sampled acyclic transmission networks. Variants: 0 (default), 1
- visualize - whether to output a figure with the inferred transmission network. Default value: 0
AMNetCons - adjacency matrix of the inferred transmission network
The example of tool execution can be found in exampleRun.m
Implementation of Edmonds algorithm for maximal arborescence is taken from Copyright (c) 2009, Ashish Choudhary. All rights reserved.
You can find the python version under "sophie_python" folder.