List of integrations out of the box
- React native 0.61
- React native router flex
- Redux
- GraphQL
- Travis
- Environment variables setup
Social login
After cloning and npm install please follow the steps below, later env file and variable names can be changed and this boilerplate is completely customizable.
Step 1 : Run command rm -rf .git
this is basically to remove git from the project and the boilerplate can be reinitialized to required origin or repo.
Step 2 :Install npm install react-native-rename -g
and run react-native-rename newName
this helps to rename build artifact and app name. more info check this link.
- This is a custom script to select env and build type
- We can also select env directly by running
./ staging
Social Login
Step 1 : Create a facebook app link
Step 2 : After creating app follow link select platform (Android or iOS)
Step 1 : Create a Google app link
That's it 🎉
Enjoy coding and feel free to give feedbacks.