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Implement the unpack command
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snoyberg committed Jul 17, 2018
1 parent d7beab7 commit 4d3c0fa
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Showing 9 changed files with 160 additions and 96 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -261,6 +261,7 @@ library:
- Stack.Types.TemplateName
- Stack.Types.Version
- Stack.Types.VersionIntervals
- Stack.Unpack
- Stack.Upgrade
- Stack.Upload
- Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Extended
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9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions src/Stack/Build/Target.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ resolveRawTarget globals snap deps locals (ri, rt) =
, rrPackageType = Dependency
| otherwise = do
mversion <- getLatestVersion $ toCabalPackageName name
return $ case fromCabalVersion <$> mversion of
mversion <- getLatestHackageVersion $ toCabalPackageName name
return $ case first fromCabalVersion <$> mversion of
-- This is actually an error case. We _could_ return a
-- Left value here, but it turns out to be better to defer
-- this until the ConstructPlan phase, and let it complain
Expand All @@ -333,16 +333,13 @@ resolveRawTarget globals snap deps locals (ri, rt) =
, rrAddedDep = Nothing
, rrPackageType = Dependency
Just version -> Right ResolveResult
Just (version, _cabalHash) -> Right ResolveResult
{ rrName = name
, rrRaw = ri
, rrComponent = Nothing
, rrAddedDep = Just version
, rrPackageType = Dependency
getLatestVersion pn =
fmap fst . Set.maxView . Map.keysSet <$> getPackageVersions pn

go (RTPackageIdentifier ident@(PackageIdentifier name version))
| Map.member name locals = return $ Left $ T.concat
Expand Down
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions src/Stack/Hoogle.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module Stack.Hoogle
import Stack.Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified RIO.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Path (parseAbsFile)
import Path.IO hiding (findExecutable)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,17 +83,19 @@ hoogleCmd (args,setup,rebuild,startServer) go = withBuildConfig go $ do
installHoogle :: RIO EnvConfig ()
installHoogle = do
hooglePackageIdentifier <- do
versions <- getPackageVersions $ toCabalPackageName hooglePackageName
mversion <- getLatestHackageVersion $ toCabalPackageName hooglePackageName

-- FIXME For a while, we've been following the logic of
-- taking the latest Hoogle version available. However, we
-- may want to instead grab the version of Hoogle present in
-- the snapshot current being used instead.
pure $ fromMaybe (Left hoogleMinIdent) $ do
(verC, _) <- Set.maxView $ Map.keysSet versions
(verC, cabalHash) <- mversion
let ver = fromCabalVersion verC
guard $ ver >= hoogleMinVersion
Just $ Right $ PackageIdentifier hooglePackageName ver
Just $ Right $ PackageIdentifierRevision
(PackageIdentifier hooglePackageName ver)
(CFIHash Nothing cabalHash) -- FIXME populate this Nothing

case hooglePackageIdentifier of
Left{} -> logInfo $
Expand All @@ -119,11 +119,12 @@ hoogleCmd (args,setup,rebuild,startServer) go = withBuildConfig go $ do
(const (return ()))
{ boptsCLITargets = [ packageIdentifierText
{ boptsCLITargets =
pure $
(fromString . packageIdentifierRevisionString)
(\(e :: ExitCode) ->
case e of
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Stack/Setup.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -698,10 +698,10 @@ upgradeCabal wc upgradeTo = do
RIO.display installed <>
" is already installed"
Latest -> do
versions <- getPackageVersions $ toCabalPackageName name
case fmap (fromCabalVersion . fst) $ Set.maxView $ Map.keysSet versions of
mversion <- getLatestHackageVersion $ toCabalPackageName name
case mversion of
Nothing -> throwString "No Cabal library found in index, cannot upgrade"
Just latestVersion -> do
Just (fromCabalVersion -> latestVersion, _cabalHash) -> do
if installed < latestVersion then
doCabalInstall wc installed latestVersion
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Stack/Types/PackageIdentifier.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ parsePackageIdentifierRevision x = go x
packageIdentifierString :: PackageIdentifier -> String
packageIdentifierString (PackageIdentifier n v) = show n ++ "-" ++ show v

instance Display PackageIdentifierRevision where
display = fromString . packageIdentifierRevisionString

-- | Get a string representation of the package identifier with revision; name-ver[@hashtype:hash[,size]].
packageIdentifierRevisionString :: PackageIdentifierRevision -> String
packageIdentifierRevisionString (PackageIdentifierRevision ident cfi) =
Expand Down
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/Stack/Unpack.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Stack.Unpack
( unpackPackages
) where

import Stack.Prelude
import Stack.Types.BuildPlan
import Stack.Types.PackageName
import Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier
import Stack.Types.Version
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import qualified RIO.Map as Map
import qualified RIO.Set as Set
import Pantry
import RIO.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
import RIO.List (intercalate)
import RIO.FilePath ((</>))

data UnpackException
= UnpackDirectoryAlreadyExists (Set FilePath)
| CouldNotParsePackageSelectors [String]
deriving Typeable
instance Exception UnpackException
instance Show UnpackException where
show (UnpackDirectoryAlreadyExists dirs) = unlines
$ "Unable to unpack due to already present directories:"
: map (" " ++) (Set.toList dirs)
show (CouldNotParsePackageSelectors strs) =
"The following package selectors are not valid package names or identifiers: " ++
intercalate ", " strs

-- | Intended to work for the command line command.
:: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
=> Maybe SnapshotDef -- ^ when looking up by name, take from this build plan
-> FilePath -- ^ destination
-> [String] -- ^ names or identifiers
-> RIO env ()
unpackPackages mSnapshotDef dest input = do
let (errs1, (names, pirs1)) =
fmap partitionEithers $ partitionEithers $ map parse input
(errs2, pirs2) <- fmap partitionEithers $ traverse toPIR names
case errs1 ++ errs2 of
[] -> pure ()
errs -> throwM $ CouldNotParsePackageSelectors errs
let pirs = Map.fromList $ map
(\pir@(PackageIdentifierRevision ident _) ->
( pir
, dest </> packageIdentifierString ident
(pirs1 ++ pirs2)

alreadyUnpacked <- filterM doesDirectoryExist $ Map.elems pirs

unless (null alreadyUnpacked) $
throwM $ UnpackDirectoryAlreadyExists $ Set.fromList alreadyUnpacked

forM_ (Map.toList pirs) $ \(pir, dest') -> do
let PackageIdentifierRevision (PackageIdentifier name ver) cfi = pir
(toCabalPackageName name)
(toCabalVersion ver)
logInfo $
"Unpacked " <>
display pir <>
" to " <>
fromString dest'
toPIR = maybe toPIRNoSnapshot toPIRSnapshot mSnapshotDef

toPIRNoSnapshot name = do
mver <- getLatestHackageVersion $ toCabalPackageName name
pure $
case mver of
-- consider updating the index
Nothing -> Left $ "Could not find package " ++ packageNameString name
Just (ver, cabalHash) -> Right $ PackageIdentifierRevision
(PackageIdentifier name (fromCabalVersion ver))
(CFIHash Nothing cabalHash) -- FIXME get the actual size

toPIRSnapshot sd name =
pure $
case mapMaybe go $ sdLocations sd of
[] -> Left $ "Package does not appear in snapshot: " ++ packageNameString name
pir:_ -> Right pir
-- FIXME should work for things besides PLIndex
go (PLIndex pir@(PackageIdentifierRevision (PackageIdentifier name' _) _))
| name == name' = Just pir
go _ = Nothing

-- Possible future enhancement: parse names as name + version range
parse s =
case parsePackageName t of
Right x -> Right $ Left x
Left _ ->
case parsePackageIdentifierRevision t of
Right x -> Right $ Right x
Left _ -> Left s
t = T.pack s

-- | Resolve a set of package names and identifiers into @FetchPackage@ values.
resolvePackages :: HasCabalLoader env
=> Maybe SnapshotDef -- ^ when looking up by name, take from this build plan
-> [PackageIdentifierRevision]
-> Set PackageName
-> RIO env [ResolvedPackage]
resolvePackages mSnapshotDef idents0 names0 = do
eres <- go
case eres of
Left _ -> do
go >>= either throwM return
Right x -> return x
go = r <$> getUses00Index <*> resolvePackagesAllowMissing mSnapshotDef idents0 names0
r uses00Index (missingNames, missingIdents, idents)
| not $ Set.null missingNames = Left $ UnknownPackageNames missingNames
| not $ HashSet.null missingIdents = Left $ UnknownPackageIdentifiers missingIdents "" uses00Index
| otherwise = Right idents
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ import Stack.Types.Config
import Stack.Types.Compiler
import Stack.Types.NamedComponent
import Stack.Types.Nix
import Stack.Unpack
import Stack.Upgrade
import qualified Stack.Upload as Upload
import qualified System.Directory as D
Expand Down
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions subs/pantry/src/Pantry.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ module Pantry
-- * Hackage index
, updateHackageIndex
, hackageIndexTarballL
, getLatestHackageVersion

-- * FIXME legacy from Stack, to be updated
, loadFromIndex
, getPackageVersions
, fetchPackages
, unpackPackageIdent
, unpackPackages
) where

import RIO
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,6 +190,15 @@ getPackageVersions
-> RIO env (Map Version CabalHash)
getPackageVersions = withStorage . loadHackagePackageVersions

-- | Returns the latest version of the given package available from
-- Hackage.
:: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
=> PackageName -- ^ package name
-> RIO env (Maybe (Version, CabalHash))
getLatestHackageVersion =
fmap (fmap fst . Map.maxViewWithKey) . getPackageVersions

fetchPackages :: a
fetchPackages = undefined

Expand All @@ -199,8 +208,5 @@ unpackPackageIdent
-> PackageName
-> Version
-> CabalFileInfo
-> RIO env FilePath
-> RIO env FilePath -- FIXME remove this FilePath return, make it flat
unpackPackageIdent = undefined

unpackPackages :: a
unpackPackages = undefined
72 changes: 0 additions & 72 deletions subs/pantry/src/Pantry/Fetch.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ module Stack.Fetch
, unpackPackageIdents
, fetchPackages
, untar
, resolvePackages
, resolvePackagesAllowMissing
, ResolvedPackage (..)
) where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,8 +62,6 @@ import System.PosixCompat (setFileMode)
data FetchException
= Couldn'tReadIndexTarball FilePath Tar.FormatError
| Couldn'tReadPackageTarball FilePath SomeException
| UnpackDirectoryAlreadyExists (Set FilePath)
| CouldNotParsePackageSelectors [String]
| UnknownPackageNames (Set PackageName)
| UnknownPackageIdentifiers (HashSet PackageIdentifierRevision) String
Bool -- Do we use any 00-index.tar.gz indices? Just used for more informative error messages
Expand All @@ -85,12 +81,6 @@ instance Show FetchException where
, ": "
, show err
show (UnpackDirectoryAlreadyExists dirs) = unlines
$ "Unable to unpack due to already present directories:"
: map (" " ++) (Set.toList dirs)
show (CouldNotParsePackageSelectors strs) =
"The following package selectors are not valid package names or identifiers: " ++
intercalate ", " strs
show (UnknownPackageNames names) =
"The following packages were not found in your indices: " ++
intercalate ", " (map packageNameString $ Set.toList names)
Expand All @@ -113,39 +103,6 @@ fetchPackages idents' = do
-- always provide a CFILatest cabal file info
idents = map (flip PackageIdentifierRevision CFILatest) $ Set.toList idents'

-- | Intended to work for the command line command.
unpackPackages :: HasCabalLoader env
=> Maybe SnapshotDef -- ^ when looking up by name, take from this build plan
-> FilePath -- ^ destination
-> [String] -- ^ names or identifiers
-> RIO env ()
unpackPackages mSnapshotDef dest input = do
dest' <- resolveDir' dest
(names, idents) <- case partitionEithers $ map parse input of
([], x) -> return $ partitionEithers x
(errs, _) -> throwM $ CouldNotParsePackageSelectors errs
resolved <- resolvePackages mSnapshotDef idents (Set.fromList names)
ToFetchResult toFetch alreadyUnpacked <- getToFetch (Just dest') resolved
unless (Map.null alreadyUnpacked) $
throwM $ UnpackDirectoryAlreadyExists $ Set.fromList $ map toFilePath $ Map.elems alreadyUnpacked
unpacked <- fetchPackages' Nothing toFetch
F.forM_ (Map.toList unpacked) $ \(ident, dest'') -> logInfo $
"Unpacked " <>
fromString (packageIdentifierString ident) <>
" to " <>
fromString (toFilePath dest'')
-- Possible future enhancement: parse names as name + version range
parse s =
case parsePackageName t of
Right x -> Right $ Left x
Left _ ->
case parsePackageIdentifierRevision t of
Right x -> Right $ Right x
Left _ -> Left s
t = T.pack s

-- | Same as 'unpackPackageIdents', but for a single package.
:: HasCabalLoader env
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,35 +142,6 @@ data ResolvedPackage = ResolvedPackage
deriving Show

-- | Resolve a set of package names and identifiers into @FetchPackage@ values.
resolvePackages :: HasCabalLoader env
=> Maybe SnapshotDef -- ^ when looking up by name, take from this build plan
-> [PackageIdentifierRevision]
-> Set PackageName
-> RIO env [ResolvedPackage]
resolvePackages mSnapshotDef idents0 names0 = do
eres <- go
case eres of
Left _ -> do
go >>= either throwM return
Right x -> return x
go = r <$> getUses00Index <*> resolvePackagesAllowMissing mSnapshotDef idents0 names0
r uses00Index (missingNames, missingIdents, idents)
| not $ Set.null missingNames = Left $ UnknownPackageNames missingNames
| not $ HashSet.null missingIdents = Left $ UnknownPackageIdentifiers missingIdents "" uses00Index
| otherwise = Right idents

-- | Does the configuration use a 00-index.tar.gz file for indices?
-- See <>
getUses00Index :: HasCabalLoader env => RIO env Bool
getUses00Index =
any is00 <$> view ( clIndices)
is00 :: PackageIndex -> Bool
is00 index = "00-index.tar.gz" `T.isInfixOf` indexLocation index

-- | Turn package identifiers and package names into a list of
-- @ResolvedPackage@s. Returns any unresolved names and
-- identifier. These are considered unresolved even if the only
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