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GitHub API URL to support arbitrary default branches for templates
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qrilka committed Dec 2, 2020
1 parent 4c38ee0 commit 177f3bb
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Showing 2 changed files with 77 additions and 34 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Network/HTTP/StackClient.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Network.HTTP.StackClient
, httpNoBody
, httpSink
, withResponse
, setRequestCheckStatus
, setRequestMethod
, setRequestHeader
, addRequestHeader
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Network.HTTP.Client (Request, RequestBody(..), Response, parseRequest, getUri, path, checkResponse, parseUrlThrow)
import Network.HTTP.Simple (setRequestMethod, setRequestBody, setRequestHeader, addRequestHeader, HttpException(..), getResponseBody, getResponseStatusCode, getResponseHeaders)
import Network.HTTP.Simple (setRequestCheckStatus, setRequestMethod, setRequestBody, setRequestHeader, addRequestHeader, HttpException(..), getResponseBody, getResponseStatusCode, getResponseHeaders)
import Network.HTTP.Types (hAccept, hContentLength, hContentMD5, methodPut)
import Network.HTTP.Conduit (requestHeaders)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (getGlobalManager, applyDigestAuth, displayDigestAuthException)
Expand Down
108 changes: 75 additions & 33 deletions src/Stack/New.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ module Stack.New

import Stack.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
import Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import Data.ByteString.Builder (lazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.Conduit
Expand All @@ -31,13 +33,14 @@ import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock
import Network.HTTP.StackClient (VerifiedDownloadException (..), Request, HttpException,
getResponseBody, httpLbs, mkDownloadRequest, parseRequest, parseUrlThrow,
setForceDownload, setGithubHeaders, verifiedDownloadWithProgress)
setForceDownload, setGithubHeaders, setRequestCheckStatus, verifiedDownloadWithProgress)
import Path
import Path.IO
import Stack.Constants
import Stack.Constants.Config
import Stack.Types.Config
import Stack.Types.TemplateName
import qualified RIO.HashMap as HM
import RIO.Process
import qualified Text.Mustache as Mustache
import qualified Text.Mustache.Render as Mustache
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,53 +119,65 @@ loadTemplate
loadTemplate name logIt = do
templateDir <- view $ templatesDir
case templatePath name of
AbsPath absFile -> logIt LocalTemp >> loadLocalFile absFile
UrlPath s -> downloadFromUrl s templateDir
AbsPath absFile -> logIt LocalTemp >> loadLocalFile absFile eitherByteStringToText
UrlPath s -> do
let settings = asIsFromUrl s
downloadFromUrl settings templateDir
RelPath rawParam relFile ->
(do f <- loadLocalFile relFile
(do f <- loadLocalFile relFile eitherByteStringToText
logIt LocalTemp
return f)
(\(e :: NewException) ->
case relRequest rawParam of
Just req -> downloadTemplate req
(templateDir </> relFile)
(\(e :: NewException) -> do
case relSettings rawParam of
Just settings -> do
req <- parseRequest (tplDownloadUrl settings)
let extract = tplExtract settings
downloadTemplate req extract (templateDir </> relFile)
Nothing -> throwM e
RepoPath rtp -> do
let url = urlFromRepoTemplatePath rtp
downloadFromUrl (T.unpack url) templateDir
let settings = settingsFromRepoTemplatePath rtp
logError $ "rtp:" <> displayShow rtp
downloadFromUrl settings templateDir

loadLocalFile :: Path b File -> RIO env Text
loadLocalFile path = do
loadLocalFile :: Path b File -> (ByteString -> Either String Text) -> RIO env Text
loadLocalFile path extract = do
logDebug ("Opening local template: \"" <> fromString (toFilePath path)
<> "\"")
exists <- doesFileExist path
if exists
then readFileUtf8 (toFilePath path)
then do
bs <- readFileBinary (toFilePath path) --readFileUtf8 (toFilePath path)
case extract bs of
Left err -> do
logWarn $ "Template extraction error: " <> display (T.pack err)
throwM (FailedToLoadTemplate name (toFilePath path))
Right template ->
pure template
else throwM (FailedToLoadTemplate name (toFilePath path))
relRequest :: String -> Maybe Request
relRequest req = do
relSettings :: String -> Maybe TemplateDownloadSettings
relSettings req = do
rtp <- parseRepoPathWithService defaultRepoService (T.pack req)
let url = urlFromRepoTemplatePath rtp
parseRequest (T.unpack url)
downloadFromUrl :: String -> Path Abs Dir -> RIO env Text
downloadFromUrl s templateDir = do
req <- parseRequest s
let rel = fromMaybe backupUrlRelPath (parseRelFile s)
downloadTemplate req (templateDir </> rel)
downloadTemplate :: Request -> Path Abs File -> RIO env Text
downloadTemplate req path = do
let dReq = setForceDownload True $ mkDownloadRequest req
pure (settingsFromRepoTemplatePath rtp)
downloadFromUrl :: TemplateDownloadSettings -> Path Abs Dir -> RIO env Text
downloadFromUrl settings templateDir = do
let url = tplDownloadUrl settings
req <- parseRequest url
let rel = fromMaybe backupUrlRelPath (parseRelFile url)
downloadTemplate req (tplExtract settings) (templateDir </> rel)
downloadTemplate :: Request -> (ByteString -> Either String Text) -> Path Abs File -> RIO env Text
downloadTemplate req extract path = do
let dReq = setForceDownload True $ mkDownloadRequest (setRequestCheckStatus req)
logIt RemoteTemp
(void $ do
verifiedDownloadWithProgress dReq path (T.pack $ toFilePath path) Nothing
(useCachedVersionOrThrow path)

loadLocalFile path
loadLocalFile path extract
useCachedVersionOrThrow :: Path Abs File -> VerifiedDownloadException -> RIO env ()
useCachedVersionOrThrow path exception = do
exists <- doesFileExist path
Expand All @@ -172,14 +187,41 @@ loadTemplate name logIt = do
logWarn "Using cached local version. It may not be the most recent version though."
else throwM (FailedToDownloadTemplate name exception)

data TemplateDownloadSettings = TemplateDownloadSettings
{ tplDownloadUrl :: String
, tplExtract :: ByteString -> Either String Text

eitherByteStringToText :: ByteString -> Either String Text
eitherByteStringToText = mapLeft show . decodeUtf8'

asIsFromUrl :: String -> TemplateDownloadSettings
asIsFromUrl url = TemplateDownloadSettings
{ tplDownloadUrl = url
, tplExtract = eitherByteStringToText

-- | Construct a URL for downloading from a repo.
urlFromRepoTemplatePath :: RepoTemplatePath -> Text
urlFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTemplatePath Github user name) =
T.concat ["", "/", user, "/stack-templates/master/", name]
urlFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTemplatePath Gitlab user name) =
T.concat ["", "/", user, "/stack-templates/raw/master/", name]
urlFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTemplatePath Bitbucket user name) =
T.concat ["", "/", user, "/stack-templates/raw/master/", name]
settingsFromRepoTemplatePath :: RepoTemplatePath -> TemplateDownloadSettings
settingsFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTemplatePath Github user name) =
-- T.concat ["", "/", user, "/stack-templates/master/", name]
{ tplDownloadUrl = concat ["", T.unpack user, "/stack-templates/contents/", T.unpack name]
, tplExtract = \bs -> do
decodedJson <- eitherDecode (LB.fromStrict bs)
case decodedJson of
Object o | Just (String content) <- HM.lookup "content" o -> do
let noNewlines = T.filter (/= '\n')
bsContent <- B64.decode $ T.encodeUtf8 (noNewlines content)
mapLeft show $ decodeUtf8' bsContent
_ ->
fail "Couldn't parse GitHub response as a JSON object with a \"content\" field"

settingsFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTemplatePath Gitlab user name) =
asIsFromUrl $ concat ["", "/", T.unpack user, "/stack-templates/raw/master/", T.unpack name]
settingsFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTemplatePath Bitbucket user name) =
asIsFromUrl $ concat ["", "/", T.unpack user, "/stack-templates/raw/master/", T.unpack name]

-- | Apply and unpack a template into a directory.
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