using lazy.nvim
return {
priority = 2000, -- load before setting keymaps
opts = {
-- default options given to `vim.keymap.set()`
default_opts = {
silent = true,
noremap = true,
first run:
require 'keymaps'.setup {}
at the beggining of your config.
or using a protected call:
local ok, keymaps = pcall(require, 'keymaps')
if ok then keymaps.setup {} end
then your can use the 'keymaps' global like this:
-- keymaps <mode> [<key>] { <keymap> <description> }
keymaps.normal['<space><TAB>'] = { ":$tabedit<CR>", 'Open New Tab' }
-- possible modes are: normal, visual and insert
-- the keymap can also be a lua function, like this:
keymaps.normal["<C-t>"] = {
function() require 'telescope.builtin'.colorscheme() end,
'Find Colorscheme'
-- uses [@telescope](
-- you can also pass additional options to the keymaps
keymaps.normal["gg"] = { '<cmd>call smoothie#do("gg") <CR>', 'Scroll to top of file', { overwrite = true } }
keymaps.normal["G"] = { '<cmd>call smoothie#do("G") <CR>', 'Scroll to bottom of file', { overwrite = true } }
-- uses [@vim-smoothie](
-- keymaps can also be grouped by passing a name to the `group` property:
keymaps.normal[',hp'] = { require 'gitsigns'.preview_hunk, '[Git] Preview Hunk', group = 'Git' }
keymaps.normal[',hs'] = { require 'gitsigns'.stage_hunk, '[Git] stage current hunk', group = 'Git' }
-- uses [@gitsigns.nvim](
Add the following to your nvim config to load the telescope extension
require 'telescope'.load_extension 'keymaps_nvim'
to view your keymaps using telescope run the following
require 'telescope'.extensions.keymaps_nvim.keymaps_nvim()