A bundle which provides helper classes and commands to run DB vendor's utilities to backup and restore databases. For now the following DB vendors are implemented:
- MongoDB
You can install the bundle as usual. First you clone the repo of the bundle:
git clone git://github.com/comfortablynumb/BackupRestoreBundle.git vendor/bundles/ENC/Bundle/BackupRestoreBundle
Then add the path to the ENC folder in your autoload.php:
// autoload.php $loader->registerNamespaces(array( // Rest of bundles.. 'ENC' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles' ));
Register the bundle in your AppKernel.php:
// AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // Rest of bundles.. new ENC\Bundle\BackupRestoreBundle\BackupRestoreBundle() ); }
And finally, add this to your config.yml:
# config.yml backup_restore: ~
Now you should be ready to go.
To make a backup you have two choices. First you can run a simple command:
php app/console_dev database:backup "your-service-connection-id" "path/destination/for/generated/sql" "optional_filename.sql"
For example:
php app/console_dev database:backup "doctrine.dbal.default_connection" "/var/backups" "new_backup.sql"
The other option is to make a backup from PHP:
$factory = $container->get('backup_restore.factory'); $backupInstance = $factory->getBackupInstance($myConnectionServiceId); $backupInstance->backupDatabase('/var/backups', 'new_backup.sql');
To make a restore from a SQL file you have two choices too. Running a command:
php app/console_dev database:restore "your-service-connection-id" "/path/to/backup_file.sql"
Or from PHP:
$factory = $container->get('backup_restore.factory'); $restoreInstance = $factory->getRestoreInstance($myConnectionServiceId); $restoreInstance->restoreDatabase('/path/to/backup_file.sql');
Making a backup for MongoDB just needs a different approach. You need only the directory to which the backup will be deployed. The utility used for this action is "mongodump", which creates a directory named "dump" with the backup. You just need to pass a directory path where this backup will be created:
php app/console_dev database:backup "your-mongodb-service-connection-id" "/var/backups"
Or in PHP:
$factory = $container->get('backup_restore.factory'); $backupInstance = $factory->getBackupInstance($myMongoDBConnectionServiceId); // Note that the file argument is not used! $backupInstance->backupDatabase('/var/backups');
The same goes for the restore action. Instead of a file, you need to pass the path to the directory containing the backup:
php app/console_dev database:restore "your-mongodb-service-connection-id" "/path/to/backup_dir_of_mongodb"
Or from PHP:
$factory = $container->get('backup_restore.factory'); $restoreInstance = $factory->getRestoreInstance($myMongoDBConnectionServiceId); $restoreInstance->restoreDatabase('/path/to/backup_dir_of_mongodb');
- Implement more DB vendor's utilities
- More Unit Tests