This repository contains the RedmineReports tool that offers reporting support for the popular Redmine ticketing system. The fully fledged List & Label Report Designer and a comprehensive sample report are included.
The latest version can be downloaded here.
RedmineReports uses the MySql .NET Connector from Oracle.
For execution you will need to download the precompiled MySql.Data.dll contained in the Source Code ZIP Archive in version 9.1.0 (for the latest release of RedmineReports) from the MySQL Community Downloads website and to extract it into the RedmineReports folder.
For compilation, a List & Label installation is required (see below where to get it). The project itself uses the corresponding NuGet package MySql.Data, therefore no additional download is required.
A comprehensive manual on the List & Label Report Designer is also available:
We're happy to receive pull requests for any improvements on this repository.
List & Label is our Reporting Tool for Software Developers for desktop, web and cloud applications. For further information and a fully functional free 30-day trial version please visit our website.
Please contact us at [email protected] with any additional feedback.