This repo contains a few cogs for RedBot V3, I've archived the repo since most of the cogs are outdated.
- actionlogs: Modlogs/Logs a lot of stuff (Renamed from modlogs because it doesnt work with the original modlog cog).
- autorole: Automatically give members who join the server a specified role.
- massmove: Move everyone in a voice channel to another voice channel.
- playskip: Plays and skips.
- ping-time: Pings and shows the time.
- speedtest: Simple speedtest cog without [p]parameters. [Requires speedtest-cli "
pip install speedtest-cli
"] - sysinfo: Show information about the system (cpu usage, disk info etc.)
If you want the users to recieve the role immediately, do NOT set an agreement channel.
This cog allows you to automatically assign new members of your server a role.
displays help for autorole commands and shows whether autorole is on or off.[p]autorole role (the role's name [use quotes if the name has a space])
sets the role to be given to new users.[p]autorole toggle
switches the state of automatic role assignment.[p]autorole agreement (#channel_for_agreements) [agreement message]
Sets a terms of service/agreement before the role is given. The agreement feature of this cog is a bit complicated. You need to give the bot a message that it sends the user.
This message can have a few different things to customize it:
- this is replaced with the key the user must input to recieve their role. This parameter IS NEEDED!{name}
- this is replaced with the username of the user who has joined.{mention}
- this is replaced with a mention for the user who has joined.{guild}
- this is replaced with the name of the server the user has joined.{member}
- this is a slightly different parameter as it is a discord Member object. You likely won't need it unless you're an advanced user.
Here's an example of a message:
Welcome to {guild}, {name}! Please read the #rules and enter this key: {key} into #accept