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collin committed Aug 22, 2013
1 parent 993cbaf commit 33dbfc0
Showing 1 changed file with 343 additions and 29 deletions.
372 changes: 343 additions & 29 deletions tasks/s3.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,45 +1,359 @@
/*jshint esnext:true*/
/*globals module:true, require:true, process:true*/

* Grunt Task File
* ---------------
* Task: S3
* Description: Move files to and from s3
* Dependencies: knox, underscore.deferred
* Module dependencies.

var s3 = require('./lib/s3');
// Core.
const util = require('util');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const url = require('url');
const zlib = require('zlib');

var exportFn = function (grunt) {
var S3Task = require('./lib/S3Task');
// Npm.
const knox = require('knox');
const mime = require('mime');
const deferred = require('underscore.deferred');
var Tempfile = require('temporary/lib/file');

// If grunt is not provided, then expose internal API.
if (typeof grunt !== 'object') {
return {
s3: s3,
S3Task: S3Task
// Local
const common = require('./common');

// Avoid warnings.
const existsSync = ('existsSync' in fs) ? fs.existsSync : path.existsSync;

* Success/error messages.
const MSG_UPLOAD_SUCCESS = '↗'.blue + ' Uploaded: %s (%s)';
const MSG_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS = '↙'.yellow + ' Downloaded: %s (%s)';
const MSG_DELETE_SUCCESS = '✗'.red + ' Deleted: %s';
const MSG_COPY_SUCCESS = '→'.cyan + ' Copied: %s to %s';

const MSG_UPLOAD_DEBUG = '↗'.blue + ' Upload: ' + '%s'.grey + ' to ' + '%s:%s'.cyan;
const MSG_DOWNLOAD_DEBUG = '↙'.yellow + ' Download: ' + '%s:%s'.cyan + ' to ' + '%s'.grey;
const MSG_DELETE_DEBUG = '✗'.red + ' Delete: ' + '%s:%s'.cyan;
const MSG_COPY_DEBUG = '→'.cyan + ' Copy: ' + '%s'.cyan + ' to ' + '%s:%s'.cyan;

const MSG_ERR_NOT_FOUND = '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ File not found: %s';
const MSG_ERR_UPLOAD = 'Upload error: %s (%s)';
const MSG_ERR_DOWNLOAD = 'Download error: %s (%s)';
const MSG_ERR_DELETE = 'Delete error: %s (%s)';
const MSG_ERR_COPY = 'Copy error: %s to %s';
const MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM = '%s error: expected hash: %s but found %s for %s';

exports.init = function (grunt) {
var async = grunt.util.async;
var _ = grunt.util._;


var exports = {};

* Create an Error object based off of a formatted message. Arguments
* are identical to those of util.format.
* @param {String} Format.
* @param {...string|number} Values to insert into Format.
* @returns {Error}
var makeError = exports.makeError = function () {
var msg = util.format.apply(util, _.toArray(arguments));
return new Error(msg);

* Publishes the local file at src to the s3 dest.
* Verifies that the upload was successful by comparing an md5 checksum of
* the local and remote versions.
* @param {String} src The local path to the file to upload.
* @param {String} dest The s3 path, relative to the bucket, to which the src
* is uploaded.
* @param {Object} [options] An object containing options which override any
* option declared in the global s3 config.
exports.put = exports.upload = function (src, dest, opts) {
var dfd = new _.Deferred();
var options = _.clone(opts, true);

// Make sure the local file exists.
if (!existsSync(src)) {
return dfd.reject(makeError(MSG_ERR_NOT_FOUND, src));

var headers = options.headers || {};

if (options.access) {
headers['x-amz-acl'] = options.access;

// Pick out the configuration options we need for the client.
var client = knox.createClient(_(options).pick([
'region', 'endpoint', 'port', 'key', 'secret', 'access', 'bucket', 'secure'

if (options.debug) {
return dfd.resolve(util.format(MSG_UPLOAD_DEBUG, path.relative(process.cwd(), src), client.bucket, dest)).promise();

// Encapsulate this logic to make it easier to gzip the file first if
// necesssary.
var upload = function (cb) {
cb = cb || function () {};

// Upload the file to s3.
client.putFile(src, dest, headers, function (err, res) {
// If there was an upload error or any status other than a 200, we
// can assume something went wrong.
if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) {
cb(makeError(MSG_ERR_UPLOAD, src, err || res.statusCode));
else {
// Read the local file so we can get its md5 hash.
fs.readFile(src, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
cb(makeError(MSG_ERR_UPLOAD, src, err));
else {
// The etag head in the response from s3 has double quotes around
// it. Strip them out.
var remoteHash = res.headers.etag.replace(/"/g, '');

// Get an md5 of the local file so we can verify the upload.
var localHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(data).digest('hex');

if (remoteHash === localHash) {
var msg = util.format(MSG_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, src, localHash);
cb(null, msg);
else {
cb(makeError(MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM, 'Upload', localHash, remoteHash, src));

s3 = s3.init(grunt);
// prepare gzip exclude option
var gzipExclude = options.gzipExclude || [];
if (!_.isArray(gzipExclude)) {
gzipExclude = [];

// If gzip is enabled and file not in gzip exclude array,
// gzip the file into a temp file and then perform the upload.
if (options.gzip && gzipExclude.indexOf(path.extname(src)) === -1) {
headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip';
headers['Content-Type'] = headers['Content-Type'] || mime.lookup(src);

var charset = mime.charsets.lookup(headers['Content-Type'], null);
if (charset) {
headers['Content-Type'] += '; charset=' + charset;

var tmp = new Tempfile(path.basename(src));
var input = fs.createReadStream(src);
var output = fs.createWriteStream(tmp.path);

// Gzip the file and upload when done.
.on('error', function (err) {
dfd.reject(makeError(MSG_ERR_UPLOAD, src, err));
.on('close', function () {
// Update the src to point to the newly created .gz file.
src = tmp.path;
upload(function (err, msg) {
// Clean up the temp file.

if (err) {
else {
else {
// No need to gzip so go ahead and upload the file.
upload(function (err, msg) {
if (err) {
else {

return dfd.promise();

* Transfer files to/from s3.
* Download a file from s3.
* Uses global s3 grunt config.
* Verifies that the download was successful by downloading the file and
* comparing an md5 checksum of the local and remote versions.
* @param {String} src The s3 path, relative to the bucket, of the file being
* downloaded.
* @param {String} dest The local path where the download will be saved.
* @param {Object} [options] An object containing options which override any
* option declared in the global s3 config.
grunt.registerMultiTask('s3', 'Publishes files to s3.', function () {
var task = new S3Task(this, s3);
exports.pull = = function (src, dest, opts) {
var dfd = new _.Deferred();
var options = _.clone(opts);;
// Pick out the configuration options we need for the client.
var client = knox.createClient(_(options).pick([
'region', 'endpoint', 'port', 'key', 'secret', 'access', 'bucket'

exportFn.init = function (grunt) {
return s3.init(grunt);
if (options.debug) {
return dfd.resolve(util.format(MSG_DOWNLOAD_DEBUG, client.bucket, src, path.relative(process.cwd(), dest))).promise();

// Create a local stream we can write the downloaded file to.
var file = fs.createWriteStream(dest);

// Upload the file to s3.
client.getFile(src, function (err, res) {
// If there was an upload error or any status other than a 200, we
// can assume something went wrong.
if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) {
return dfd.reject(makeError(MSG_ERR_DOWNLOAD, src, err || res.statusCode));

.on('data', function (chunk) {
.on('error', function (err) {
return dfd.reject(makeError(MSG_ERR_DOWNLOAD, src, err));
.on('end', function () {

// Read the local file so we can get its md5 hash.
fs.readFile(dest, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return dfd.reject(makeError(MSG_ERR_DOWNLOAD, src, err));
else {
// The etag head in the response from s3 has double quotes around
// it. Strip them out.
var remoteHash = res.headers.etag.replace(/"/g, '');

// Get an md5 of the local file so we can verify the download.
var localHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(data).digest('hex');

if (remoteHash === localHash) {
var msg = util.format(MSG_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS, src, localHash);
else {
dfd.reject(makeError(MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM, 'Download', localHash, remoteHash, src));

return dfd.promise();

* Copy a file from s3 to s3.
* @param {String} src The s3 path, including the bucket, to the file to
* copy.
* @param {String} dest The s3 path, relative to the bucket, to the file to
* create.
* @param {Object} [options] An object containing options which override any
* option declared in the global s3 config.
exports.copy = function (src, dest, opts) {
var dfd = new _.Deferred();
var options = _.clone(opts);

// Pick out the configuration options we need for the client.
var client = knox.createClient(_(options).pick([
'region', 'endpoint', 'port', 'key', 'secret', 'access', 'bucket'

if (options.debug) {
return dfd.resolve(util.format(MSG_COPY_DEBUG, src, client.bucket, dest)).promise();

module.exports = exportFn;
var headers = {
'Content-Length': 0,
'x-amz-copy-source': src

if (options.headers) {
headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] = 'REPLACE';

// Copy the src file to dest.
var req = client.put(dest, headers);

req.on('response', function (res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
dfd.reject(makeError(MSG_ERR_COPY, src, dest));
else {
dfd.resolve(util.format(MSG_COPY_SUCCESS, src, dest));

return dfd.promise();

* Delete a file from s3.
* @param {String} src The s3 path, relative to the bucket, to the file to
* delete.
* @param {Object} [options] An object containing options which override any
* option declared in the global s3 config.
exports.del = function (src, opts) {
var dfd = new _.Deferred();
var options = _.clone(opts);

// Pick out the configuration options we need for the client.
var client = knox.createClient(_(options).pick([
'region', 'endpoint', 'port', 'key', 'secret', 'access', 'bucket'

if (options.debug) {
return dfd.resolve(util.format(MSG_DELETE_DEBUG, client.bucket, src)).promise();

// Upload the file to this endpoint.
client.deleteFile(src, function (err, res) {
if (err || res.statusCode !== 204) {
dfd.reject(makeError(MSG_ERR_DELETE, src, err || res.statusCode));
else {
dfd.resolve(util.format(MSG_DELETE_SUCCESS, src));

return dfd.promise();

return exports;

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