Instance-Based Mapping for Induction of Cross-Lingual Word Embedding Spaces
This repository accompanies the following ACL 2020 publication:
Goran Glavaš and Ivan Vulić. Non-Linear Instance-Based Cross-Lingual Mapping for Non-Isomorphic Embedding Spaces. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), pages 7548-7555, 2020.
If you are using InstaMap code in your work, please cite the above paper. Here's a Bibtex entry:
title = "Non-Linear Instance-Based Cross-Lingual Mapping for Non-Isomorphic Embedding Spaces",
author = "Glava{\v{s}}, Goran and
Vuli{\'c}, Ivan",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
month = jul,
year = "2020",
address = "Online",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.675",
pages = "7548--7555"
In order create a cross-lingual embedding space with InstaMap you need to run the script The script takes no command-line parameters -- in contrast, parameter values need to be set in advance in The following configurable parameters exist in
- num_iterations: InstaMap is an iterative algorithm and this parameters specifies the number of iterations (empirically, setting this parameter to 3 of 4 yields best results for most language pairs)
- k_num_dict_neighbours: number of nearest dictionary neighbours (parameter denoted k in the paper) that are considered when computing "personalized" update/translation vector for each instances from the embedding space
- source_vectors: path to the serializted numpy matrix containing embedding vectors from the (monolingual) space of the source (first) language
- source_vocabulary: path to the pickled dictionary mapping words from the (monolingual) vocabulary of the first language to row indices of the embedding matrix source_vectors
- target_vectors: path to the serializted numpy matrix containing embedding vectors from the (monolingual) space of the target (second) language
- target_vocabulary: path to the pickled dictionary mapping words from the (monolingual) vocabulary of the second language to row indices of the embedding matrix target_vectors
- train_dict: path to the initial word translation dictionary (InstaMap is a supervised, albeit non-parametric, model/algorithm)
- source_vectors_output: path to which the serialize the produced mapped vectors of the source language
- target_vectors_output: path to which the serialize the produced mapped vectors of the target language
In order to quickly test InstaMap, we prepared sample data for inducing a shared space for a sample language pair, German (DE) - Turkish (TR). You can download the sample data from:
In the archive sample_data you will find two subdirectiories:
- dicts contains the training and evaluation word translation dictionaries for this language pair (see for more detail)
- vectors contains serialized vectors and vocabulary files for this two languages; in subdirectory unaligned you will find the pre-trained monolingual fasttext vectors of 200K most frequent terms in each language. The directory vecmap_aligned contains the embedding spaces of these two languages that have already been mapped into the same space with VecMap (see -- InstaMap is able to improve via instance-based mapping cross-lingual spaces induced by other methods (see the paper and IM°VM for details).
Data for all other language pairs we experimented with in the paper can be obtained from the other repository:
The XLing-Eval repository ( also contains some helper scripts that can help you prepare the data for InstaMap's required input formats and evaluate the quality of the induced cross-lingual spaces:
- code/ Converts an embedding file given in a standard "word2vec" and "GloVe" textual format into a pair of vector matrix (.vectors file) and vocabulary dictionary (.vocab file) files that you need as input for InstaMap
- code/ once the shared embedding space has been induced with InstaMap, you can evaluate its BLI performance using the script from XLing-Eval repo.
- code/ converts the serialized "matrix and vocabulary" files (.vectors, .vocab) for a language back into a single textual word embeddings file