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OnScroll Detection

Onscroll Detection

Onscroll Detection enables the creation of powerful GSAP animations using custom data-onscroll-* attributes in the DOM. It leverages GSAP and ScrollTrigger to easily create scroll-based parallax animations, custom transforms, progressive animations, and more.

Walk-through video

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  • Bind animations to any trigger element.
  • Manipulate classes based on scroll events.
  • Trigger callbacks on specific events.
  • Supports both vertical and horizontal directions with the ability to reverse.
  • Control animation through specific px values, from and to attributes, modify scroll speed, or automatically calculate distance based on parent.
  • Create custom animations such as rotation, skewing, colour changes, and more.
  • Target specific screen sizes for adaptive animations.
  • Built-in debugging mode.
  • Lightweight (~2.71 kB Brotli).


Please ensure the following dependencies are installed and properly registered:

Quick start

Onscroll Detection requires GSAP and ScrollTrigger plugin to work. Both must be included before Onscroll Detection and registered within the instantiation.

Install from NPM

import { gsap } from 'gsap'
import { ScrollTrigger } from 'gsap/ScrollTrigger'
import OnscrollDetection from 'onscroll-detection'

// Register ScrollTrigger plugin

// Initialise OnscrollDetection and pass in gsap and ScrollTrigger
const onscroll = new OnscrollDetection(
		/* options */
Delayed start (recommended)

To initialise the module without starting it right-away, set autoStart option to false.

// Create instance but do not start automatically
const onscroll = new OnscrollDetection(
		autoStart: false,

// Start it when you are ready
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {

With autoStart disabled, for extra clarity onscroll.register can be used to register gsap and ScrollTrigger outside of the instantiation.

// Standard
const onscroll = new OnscrollDetection(
		autoStart: false,

Optionally may be replaced with:

const onscroll = new OnscrollDetection({
	autoStart: false,

// Register gsap and ScrollTrigger separately
onscroll.register(gsap, ScrollTrigger)

Install from CDN

If you prefer to use a CDN, here is an example:

<!-- Include GSAP -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Include OnscrollDetection -->
<script src=""></script>

	// Register ScrollTrigger plugin

	// Initialise OnscrollDetection and pass in gsap and ScrollTrigger
	const onscroll = new OnscrollDetection(
			/* options */

Depending on your CDN of choice:


You can configure Onscroll Detection via options:

const onscroll = new OnscrollDetection(
		elements: '[data-onscroll]',
		autoStart: true,
		screen: '(min-width: 1025px)',
		scrollingClass: 'is-scrolling',
		scrolledClass: 'has-scrolled',
		stickyClass: 'is-sticky',
		stuckClass: 'has-stuck',
		debug: false,

All options:

Name Type Default Description
elements str [data-onscroll] What elements to apply onscroll animations to.
autoStart bool true Whether to start immedietely. Set to false for a delayed start (recommended).
screen str '(min-width: 1025px)' Specify media query rules for animations. This can be overwritten on a per animation-basis. Set to all to remove queries entirely.
scrollingClass str 'is-scrolling' The class that is temporarily assigned to elements when they are within the viewport.
scrolledClass str 'has-scrolled' The class that is permanently assigned to element when they have been within viewport.
stickyClass str 'has-sticky' The class that is temporarily assigned to sticky element set by [data-onscroll-sticky] when they are within the viewport.
stuckClass str 'has-stuck' The class that is permanently assigned to sticky element set by [data-onscroll-sticky] when they have been within the viewport.
debug bool false Set debug mode to all instances. Enables markers and console logs.


Apply any of the following data attributes in conjunction with [data-onscroll] to enable custom animations.


Attribute: data-onscroll-debug Default: Not set

Displays visible GSAP markers and console logs useful information.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-debug></div>


Attribute: data-onscroll-offset Default: 0,0 Type: x2 comma separated values (int|str,int|str)

Apply before and after offsets. This settings expects two comma-separated multipurpose values, like 100,-100. The first value applies an initial offset at the beginning of the animation. The second value is the target offset.

px values or percentages

Integers default to px values, inclusion of % will set as a percentage value. Percentage values are based on the element height.

Recommended: Preset

Combine with data-onscroll-preset (see preset) to automatically update the start (see start) and end (see end values for seamless offset animations.

Sticky elements

If data-inview-sticky (see sticky) is set, the first value adds top padding for a late stick and the second value adds a bottom padding for an earlier unstick.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="-100,0"><!-- From -100px to 0 --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="-100,100"><!-- From -100px to 100px --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="0,100"><!-- From 0 to 100px --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="100,0"><!-- From 100px to 0 --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="100,-100"><!-- From 100px to -100px --></div>

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="-50px,10%"><!-- From -50px to 10% of element height --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="-5%,5%"><!-- From -5% to 5% of element height --></div>


Attribute: data-onscroll-delay Default: 0 Type: int (number)

Apply a lag/lerp effect to delay an element's response to the user's scrolling. The value represents the duration (in seconds) of the animation (e.g., 2 for two seconds).

Note: To be used only in conjunction with offset animations, however, distances may not be completely accurate when a delay is used.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="0,100" data-onscroll-delay="1"><!-- 1 second to catch up --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="0,100" data-onscroll-delay="1.5"><!-- 1.5 seconds to catch up --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="0,100" data-onscroll-delay="2"><!-- 2 seconds to catch up --></div>

offset in the above example is for illustrative purposes


Attribute: data-onscroll-preset Default: false Type: Toggle (no value)

Automatically adjust start and end values based on offset settings to eliminate the need for complex values like data-onscroll-start="top bottom+=200" (see start and end ).

Note: If the offset value exceeds 0, the start will be where the original element was before offset is applied. This avoids a jump as it comes into view.

Only to be used with data-onscroll-offset (see offset. This has no effect on speed (see speed) as that is calculated independently.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="-100,100" data-onscroll-preset><!-- From -100px to 0 with preset --></div>

offset in the above example is for illustrative purposes


Attribute: data-onscroll-auto Default: Not set Type: Toggle (no value)

Achieve a parallax effect by automatically applying offset/distance if an element exceeds the height of the parent container or defined trigger (see trigger.

This is best used for creating parallax effects to contained images or backgrounds.

	<img src="" alt="" data-onscroll data-onscroll-auto />

	<img src="" alt="" data-onscroll data-onscroll-auto data-onscroll-reverse />

reverse in the above example is for illustrative purposes


Attribute: data-onscroll-reverse Default: Not set Type: Toggle (no value)

Reverse the direction when combined with data-onscroll-auto (auto).

This has no effect on the offset or speed setting.

<!-- Reverse -->
	<img src="" alt="" data-onscroll data-onscroll-auto data-onscroll-reverse />


Attribute: data-onscroll-speed Default: Not set Type: x2 comma separated values (int,int)

Instead of using precise pixel or percentage values with an offset animation, use a speed effect. This setting requires two comma-separated values, such as 1.5,10. The offset animation is applied by multiplying the height of the element (first value) and adding the percentage value of the viewport height (second value). For instance, 1.5,10 represents (1.5 times the element height) plus (10% of the viewport height). Therefore, data-onscroll-speed="1,0" is equivalent to data-onscroll-offset="0,100%". Negative values are also accepted to reverse the direction.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-speed="0,10"><!-- Down 10% viewport --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-speed="1,10"><!-- Down x1 + 10% viewport --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-speed="-.5,0"><!-- Up x0.5 --></div>


Attribute: data-onscroll-direction Default: 'y' Type: string

Change direction of the animation.

Only the following values will be accepted:

Direction Value Description
Vertical y Defaults to down unless using reverse attribute or negative offset and speed values.
Horizontal x Defaults to right unless using reverse attribute or negative offset and speed values.
Both xy Defaults to down/right unless using reverse attribute or negative offset and speed values.
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="0,100" data-onscroll-direction="y"><!-- Vertical --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="0,100" data-onscroll-direction="x"><!-- Horizontal --></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="0,100" data-onscroll-direction="xy"><!-- Both directions --></div>

offset in the above example is for illustrative purposes


Attribute: data-onscroll-trigger Default: this Type: string (DOM element by selectors, i.e. #id, .class)

Set an alternative element as the trigger instead of itself. Specificity is crucial to ensure only a single element is assigned.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-target="#elementById"></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-target=".element-by-class"></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-target="body"></div>
<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-target="ul li:last-child"></div>

When using the Code Resolution boilerplate for WordPress, you can set the component as the target like so:

echo "<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-target='#$id'></div>";


Attribute: data-onscroll-sticky Default: Not set Type: Toggle (no value)

Stick element to the data-onscroll-trigger element.

Combine with data-onscroll-offset (see offset) for early and late stick/unstick. The first value (top) adjusts the initial stick and the second value (bottom) adjusts unstick.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-sticky data-onscroll-trigger="#stickyTrigger">
	<!-- Stick exactly to top/bottom of #stickyTrigger -->

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-sticky data-onscroll-offset="50,100" data-onscroll-trigger="#stickyTrigger">
	<!-- Fix with 50px late stick and 100px early unstick -->

offset in the above example is for illustrative purposes


Attribute: data-onscroll-start Default: 'top bottom' or 'top top' if sticky is set Type: str

Adjust the point when the animation begins. See preset for automatic detection with offsets.

The first value refers to the trigger and the second value refers to the viewport. Refer GSAP ScrollTrigger documentation for further information.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-start="top bottom+=200">
	<!-- Start 200px after the bottom of the viewport reaches the top of the trigger -->

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-start="center center">
	<!-- Start when the center of the viewport reaches the center of the trigger -->


Attribute: data-onscroll-end Default: 'bottom top' or bottom bottom if sticky is set Type: str

Adjust the point when the animation ends. See preset for automatic detection with offsets.

The first value refers to the trigger and the second value refers to the viewport. Refer GSAP ScrollTrigger documentation for further information.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-end="bottom top+=200">
	<!-- End 200px before the top of the viewport reaches the bottom of the trigger -->

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-end="center center">
	<!-- End when the center of the viewport reaches the center of the trigger -->


Attribute: data-onscroll-screen Default: '(min-width: 1025px)' (configurable globally via options) Type: str

Set screen size conditions for the animation. For example: animate on desktop and not mobile, or vice-versa. Expects media queries like (min-width: 500px) or (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1000px) etc. Set to all to animate on all screen sizes.

Set globally

Setting per instance takes precedence over global settings via options which sets the default.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="0,100" data-onscroll-screen="(min-width: 500px)">
	<!-- Only animates on devices wider than 500px -->

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-offset="0,100" data-onscroll-screen="(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1000px)">
	<!-- Only animates on devices with a width between 768px and 1000px -->

offset in the above example is for illustrative purposes


Attribute: data-onscroll-from and data-onscroll-to Default: Not set Type: json

Create custom animations (uses gsap.from() and respectively), including CSS transforms, color, backgroundColor, fontSize and more.

Must be valid JSON format, such as {"backgroundColor": "#fff", "rotation": "0"}.

	data-onscroll-from='{"backgroundColor": "#fff", "rotation": "0", "scale": 0.5}'
	data-onscroll-to='{"backgroundColor": "yellow", "rotation": "-360", "scale": 1}'
	<!-- Only background from #fff to yellow, rotates to -360 degrees and scales from 0.5 to 1 -->

In some situations having a mix of single and double quotes can be problematic, particularly when writing PHP. Use backslashes to prevent errors.

echo '<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-from=\'{"scale": 1.25}\' data-onscroll-to=\'{"scale": 1}\' data-onscroll-screen="all"></div>';

Or another approach:

// Create the transformation JSON strings and escape them
$onscroll_from = htmlspecialchars('{"opacity": 1}', ENT_QUOTES);
$onscroll_to = htmlspecialchars('{"opacity": 0.1}', ENT_QUOTES);

echo "<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-from='$onscroll_from' data-onscroll-to='$onscroll_to'></div>";


Attribute: data-onscroll-call Default: Not set Type: str

Fire custom JavaScript events when elements enter and leave the viewport. Data such as target, direction (up/down) and when (enter, re-enter, leave and leave-again) are accessible within an event listener.

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-call="scrollEvent">Trigger</div>
window.addEventListener('scrollEvent', (e) => {
	const { target, direction, when } = e.detail
	console.log(`target: ${target}`, `direction: ${direction}`, `when: ${when}`)


Attribute: data-onscroll-progress Default: Not set Type: str

When set a CSS variable --onscrollProgress will be declared to the element. This variable represents the current progress of the element between start and end, ranging from 0 to 1. You can also listen for a custom event that includes the percentage, element and direction (up/down).

<div data-onscroll data-onscroll-progress="progressEvent">Track Progress</div>
window.addEventListener('progressEvent', (e) => {
	const { element, progress, direction } = e.detail
	console.log(`element: ${element}`, `progress: ${progress}`, `direction: ${direction}`)



Start Onscroll Detection to ready animations. Recommended for use when autoStart is set to false (see options) and the page has fully loaded.


Register GSAP

Pass gsap and ScrollTrigger dependencies to OnscrollDetection instead of during instantiation const onscroll = new OnscrollDetection({}, gsap, ScrollTrigger) (optional alternative).

Only to be used when autoStart is set to false (see options) and after GSAP has been added.

onscroll.register(gsap, ScrollTrigger)


Update ScrollTrigger calculations, useful if the page height changes.



Return the ScrollTrigger instance of a particular DOM element or iteration. Useful for stopping a particular animation.

// Fetch by DOM element
const element = document.querySelector('#myElement') // change #myElement to appropriate element
const trigger = onscroll.fetch(element)

// Fetch by index
const trigger = onscroll.fetch(0) // change 0 with the element index


Adjust the to and from (see from / to) properties applied to an element.

const element = document.querySelector('#myElement')
const elementTrigger = onscroll.fetch(element)
	{ color: 'red', opacity: 1, scale: 1, rotate: 0, margin: 0 },
	{ color: 'blue', opacity: 0, scale: 1.15, rotate: 180, margin: '0 0.25em' },

fetch is used in the above example is for illustrative purposes


Stop all animations and remove the ScrollTrigger instances. If a specific target is passed, it will only stop the specified animation and remove the ScrollTrigger for that particular target.

/* Stop all animations */

/* Stop a specific animation */
const elementToStop = document.querySelector('#myElement')
const triggerToStop = onscroll.fetch(elementToStop)

fetch is used in the above example is for illustrative purposes


Stop and restart animations.



Class Application
is-scrolling Temporarily assigned to elements when they are in view.
has-scrolled Permanently assigned to element when they have been in view.
is-sticky Temporarily assigned to sticky element set by [data-onscroll-sticky] when they are in view.
has-stuck Permanently assigned to sticky element set by [data-onscroll-sticky] when they have been in view.

The application remains the same even if the classes have been changed from their default setting.


Enter/leave the viewport

Detect when triggers enter or leave the viewport.

onscroll.on('onEnter', (element) => {
	console.log('Entering top of view:', element)
onscroll.on('onLeave', (element) => {
	console.log('Leaving bottom of view:', element)
onscroll.on('onEnterBack', (element) => {
	console.log('Entering bottom of view:', element)
onscroll.on('onLeaveBack', (element) => {
	console.log('Leaving top of view:', element)


Detect when onscroll.refresh() method is fired.

onscroll.on('refresh', () => {


Detect when onscroll.stop() method is fired.

onscroll.on('stop', (target) => {
	console.log('Stopped', target)


Detect when onscroll.restart() method is fired.

onscroll.on('restart', () => {

Examples of use


The MIT License (MIT)


No description, website, or topics provided.







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