📝 NOTE Use this template to initialize the contents of a README.md file for your application. As you work on your assignment over the course of the week, update the required or stretch features lists to indicate which features you have completed by changing [ ]
to [x]
. (🚫 Remove this paragraph before submitting your assignment.)
Submitted by: NAME
Estimated time spent: # hours spent in total
Deployed Application (optional): Flixster Deployed Site
- User can view a list of current movies from The Movie Database API as a grid view
- The grid element should have an id of
- Each movie wrapper element should have a class of
- The grid element should have an id of
- For each movie displayed, user can see the following details:
- Title - the element should have a class of
- Image - the
element should have a class ofmovie-poster
- Votes - the element should have a class of
- Title - the element should have a class of
- User can load more current movies by clicking a button at the bottom of the list
- The button should have an id of
. - When clicked, the page should not refresh.
- New movies should simply be added to the bottom
- The button should have an id of
- Allow users to search for movies and display them in a grid view
- There should be a search input element with an id of
- Users should be able to type into the input
- When a user hits 'Enter', it should send a search request to the movies API
- The results from the search should be displayed on the page
- There should be a close icon with an id of
that exits the search, clears results, and shows the current movies displayed previously
- There should be a search input element with an id of
- Website accounts for basic HTML/CSS accessibility features
- Website should be responsive
- Deploy website using GitHub Pages.
- Allow user to view more details about a movie within a popup.
- Improve the user experience through CSS & animation.
- Allow movie video trailers to be played using embedded YouTube
- Implement anything else that you can get done to improve the app functionality!
Add the embedded URL code to your animated app walkthrough below, ADD_EMBEDDED_CODE_HERE
. Make sure the video or gif actually renders and animates when viewing this README. (🚫 Remove this paragraph after adding walkthrough video)
- Did the topics discussed in your labs prepare you to complete the assignment? Be specific, which features in your weekly assignment did you feel unprepared to complete?
Add your response here
- If you had more time, what would you have done differently? Would you have added additional features? Changed the way your project responded to a particular event, etc.
Add your response here
- Reflect on your project demo, what went well? Were there things that maybe didn't go as planned? Did you notice something that your peer did that you would like to try next time?
Add your response here
- Add any links to open-source libraries used in your project.
Give a shout out to somebody from your cohort that especially helped you during your project. This can be a fellow peer, instructor, TA, mentor, etc.