This is Python library for building Kubernetes operators. It addresses recurring issues in Kubernetes operator development such as CRD, RBAC and deployment manifest generation, stateful set instantiation, PVC resizing, secret generation and much more.
Refer to samples/
directory to see how to use the library.
to update Helm chart templates and Skaffold configs.
Before running Skaffold make sure dependencies are installed, refer to each sample operator README.
To deploy and run:
find samples/ -name "*-crds.yaml" -exec kubectl apply -f {} \;
find samples/ -name "*-rbac.yaml" -exec kubectl apply -f {} \;
find samples/ -name "*-class.yaml" -exec kubectl apply -f {} \;
skaffold dev --build-concurrency=0
To wipe status conditions array:
for j in $(kubectl get -o name); do
kubectl patch --type=merge --subresource=status $j -p '{"status":{"conditions":[]}}';