Project for the Pelias geocoder for addresses in the County of Santa Clara
Mostly, download the County data and follow the "quickstart" directions for the Docker setup. Like this:
# clone the Pelias docker repository
git clone
# install pelias script
ln -s "$(pwd)/docker/pelias" ~/.local/bin/pelias
# clone this repository
git clone
# cd into the project directory
cd pelias-project-scc
# create a directory to store Pelias data files
mkdir ./data
# configure docker to write files as your local user
# see:
# note: use 'gsed' instead of 'sed' on a Mac
sed -i '/DOCKER_USER/d' .env
echo "DOCKER_USER=$(id -u)" >> .env
# download the address data
curl --output AddressPoint_data.csv
# transform into a good format for Pelias
# run build
pelias compose pull
pelias elastic start
pelias elastic wait
pelias elastic create
pelias download all
pelias prepare all
pelias import all
pelias compose up