- Purpose
- Motivation
- How to Install
- Wireframe
- Technologies Used
- License
The purpose is to display upcoming Code Connector tech meetups. There is currently three virtual meetups a month. Another goal was to pracice using Netlify as a serverless backend service.
This project was used to practice developing a chrome extension in preparation of working on the VEVA.ai startup extension project.
Click to install on a Chrome Browser: Code Connector Meetup Google Chrome Extension
Netlify: Web developer platform for hosting infrastructure, continuous integration, deployment pipeline with GitHub, and serverless backend services.
GitHub: Web-based version control repository and Internet hosting service
Adobe XD: A wire-framing tool used to create a mockup/visual of what is to be coded
JavaScript: Object-oriented programming language for web pages
HTML: Mark-up language for creating web pages
CSS: A formatting language for styling web pages
GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Created by JC Smiley in June of 2020