Contributors: Code for Recovery. Requires 12 Step Meeting List Version 3.12 or later. Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: 1.0.7
This plugin is designed to enhance the feedback feature of the legacy 12-step-meeting-list plugin found on the Meeting Detail screen. It provides a formatted solution to guide user feedback input, giving a consistent, auditable, and accurate view of what the feedback submitter is wanting added, changed, or removed in the 12 Step Meeting List.
Like the original feedback feature, this enhanced version requires a website administrator email address be entered in the "User Feedback Emails" field on the Meetings/Import & Settings page before the feedback system will display.
The enhanced feedback screen remains hidden until activated by a user; only then does it replace the map view in the right side column of the Detail page. Most meeting list attributes are available in the form of input controls; we use radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdown lists whenever possible. The input fields can be transformed by a feedback submitter in a controlled fashion to ensure that the website administrator receives a full set of accurate data with which to update the 12 Step Meeting List. The submitted data is parsed and injected into an email html table with embedded changes highlighted in Red text for easy analysis and action by the administrator. See a screenshots preview of what to expect!.
While this plugin has been found to work seamlessly with most themes, it may require some tweaking of your themes stylesheet (styles.css) if the display is not to your liking. You must have the 12 Step Meeting List plugin version 3.12 or newer installed.
The best way to install this plugin is via its home page in the WordPress Plugin Directory.