This project focus is for peer programming. The app lets users post a question for help, or post a board to find a group to build a project.
Semantic versioning, beginning with version 1.0.0
Libraries, Frameworks, Packages:
React, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, Chakra UI, Highlight.js
User Flow:
- Land on Homepage
- Homepage has posts and boards listed. Once signed in, a user can view the details pages.
- Sign Up/Login
- Redirect to Homepage
- At the post details page, users can view comments on their posts and add comments to other posts.
- At the board details page, users can join a boardroom with a live chat about the board
- Users can create a post or board.
- Users can also view their profile page, with their Github information, posts and boards
To Run locally:
- npm i react-router-dom@5
- npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react@^11 @emotion/styled@^11 framer-motion@^6
- npm i @chakra-ui/icons
- npm i highlight.js
- npm i react-highlight
- npm install react-icons --save
- npm i superagent
- Run npm start
Endpoints: Create, Read, Update, Delete using SQL
Database Schemas:
- Tables: Users, Comments, Boards
Planning on Miro: