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Zack Siri edited this page Dec 5, 2013 · 1 revision

There are 3 types of transponder module, minimal, basic, full by using the -t flag you can specify which type you want to use. If you don't specify a -t flag it will generate a basic module.


Minimal transponder modules are good for generating modules that will contain only services that will be used by other modules. Generally recommended to use in combination with the --shared flag

$ rails g transponder:install utilities -t minimal --shared


Basic transponder modules come with 3 basic things, helpers, services, and presenters. If you want to work with rails controller you will need to use the basic module type.

$ rails g transponder:install application


Full transponder modules come with transponder's primitives and placeholders for a backbone app, it will setup the integration for a backbone app into your transponder module.

$ rails g transponder:install application -t full
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