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Adds a real complete forum system very suitable for technical support. Coupled with 'Users', 'Markdown' and 'Paypal', you will have a complete system to sell your premium plugin very easily with the same appearance and the same functionality as on wordpress.org.
- 1.5 - 27/09/2024 : Send email via SMTP if Newsletter plugin is SMTP
- 1.4 - 14/04/2023 : ES6 - JQuery free (back office)
- 1.3.4 - 28/09/2022 : Responsive display
- 1.3.3 - 24/11/2021 : Fix array key issue when remove Topic
- 1.3.2 - 16/04/2020 : Trim and Fix multiple
in topic - 1.3.1 - 22/01/2018 : Add URL in the bottom of the mail
- 1.3 - 25/04/2017 : New wysiwyg editor - Fix ajax issues - Admin part more powerfull - Multilang
- 1.2.2 - 19/03/2017 : Use PHPMailer if Newsletter plugin exists - Replace MCrypt by OpenSSL - Add Staff topic (background pink)
- 1.2.1 - 15/03/2017 : Fix issue when unknow lang
- 1.2 - 04/02/2017 : Fix issue with PHP-Gettext - The email language is the one specified in the USERS plugin
- 1.1 - 14/10/2016 : Use PHP-Gettext in place of gettext
- 1.0.3 - 20/03/2016 : Reorder topics like WordPress
- 1.0.2 - 05/12/2015 : Fix bug when try to reply
- 1.0.1 - 21/11/2015 : Fix bugs
- 1.0 - 05/10/2015 : First stable version