uuuu uuuu nnnnnn ooooooooo u::::u u::::u nn::::::::nn oo:::::::::::oo u::::u u::::u nn::::::::::nn o:::::::::::::::o u::::u u::::u n::::::::::::::n o:::::ooooo:::::o u::::u u::::u n:::::nnnn:::::n o::::o o::::o u::::u u::::u n::::n n::::n o::::o o::::o u::::u u::::u n::::n n::::n o::::o o::::o u:::::uuuu:::::u n::::n n::::n o::::o o::::o u::::::::::::::u n::::n n::::n o:::::ooooo:::::o u::::::::::::u n::::n n::::n o:::::::::::::::o uu::::::::uu n::::n n::::n oo:::::::::::oo uuuuuu nnnn nnnn ooooooooo ___ __ / __\ /\/\ / _\ / / / \ \ \ / /___ / /\/\ \ _\ \ \____/ \/ \/ \__/
Payplug gateway in addition to the Payment plugin. Efficient and economical for sale by CB or Mastercard. Sales are checked and recorded with IPN return. Works also with digital goods.
- 1.6 - 24/09/2024 : Send email via SMTP if Newsletter plugin is SMTP
- 1.5.1 - 15/04/2023 : Add post ubusy
- 1.5 - 12/01/2023 :
- API V3.5.5
- Remove Payplug button in CkEditor. You should now use Payment 'add to cart' button.
- JQuery free.
- 1.4.4 - 27/09/2022 : Responsive display.
- 1.4.3 - 14/02/2022 : Fix IPN issue on PHP >= 8.0
- 1.4.2 - 27/01/2022 : API V3.5.3
- 1.4.1 - 05/10/2021 : Option to set form language
- 1.4 - 01/01/2021 : Payment new API V3.3
- 1.3 - 15/11/2017 : Payment plugin Update
- 1.2.3 - 20/05/2017 : Option to hide the CKEditor Payplug Button
- 1.2.2 - 15/03/2017 : Fix issue when unknow lang
- 1.2.1 - 13/03/2017 : Lib Payplug 1.1.2 - Use PHPMailer if Newsletter plugin exists - Replace MCrypt by OpenSSL
- 1.2 - 09/01/2017 : Easier archive management
- 1.1 - 14/10/2016 : Use PHP-Gettext in place of gettext
- 1.0.4 - 07/08/2016 : Fix bug.
- 1.0.3 - 24/06/2016 : Fix a display bug in the mail title.
- 1.0.2 - 20/03/2016 : Test payment can be removed
- 1.0.1 - 07/10/2015 : Fix small display bug
- 1.0 - 05/10/2015 : First stable version