uuuu uuuu nnnnnn ooooooooo u::::u u::::u nn::::::::nn oo:::::::::::oo u::::u u::::u nn::::::::::nn o:::::::::::::::o u::::u u::::u n::::::::::::::n o:::::ooooo:::::o u::::u u::::u n:::::nnnn:::::n o::::o o::::o u::::u u::::u n::::n n::::n o::::o o::::o u::::u u::::u n::::n n::::n o::::o o::::o u:::::uuuu:::::u n::::n n::::n o::::o o::::o u::::::::::::::u n::::n n::::n o:::::ooooo:::::o u::::::::::::u n::::n n::::n o:::::::::::::::o uu::::::::uu n::::n n::::n oo:::::::::::oo uuuuuu nnnn nnnn ooooooooo ___ __ / __\ /\/\ / _\ / / / \ \ \ / /___ / /\/\ \ _\ \ \____/ \/ \/ \__/
Allows to create a custom-made contact form with Captcha. Added with a Shortcode in the content of the page or directly in the template.
If Newsletter plugin exists, PHPMailer is used (recommended). Otherwise, PHP mail function is used.
The default template is uno/template/mailTemplate.php. You can create a more sophisticate custom template in your template theme folder. The name must be : uno/template/mytheme/contactMailTemplate.php This contactMailTemplate.php should create the HTML email content : $msgH. It will be necessary to use the data of the POST array var.
- 1.7 - 24/09/2024 : Send email via SMTP if Newsletter plugin is SMTP
- 1.6 - 07/10/2020 : Admin can reply to email field if exists. User reply to Admin (no change).
- 1.5 - 24/03/2020 : Master mode
- 1.4 - 08/01/2020 : Fix PHPMailer issue - Custom template - Copy to sender - Custom subject
- 1.3 - 27/12/2017 : W3.css compatibility
- 1.2.2 - 15/03/2017 : Fix issue when unknow lang
- 1.2.1 - 07/03/2017 : Send with PHPMailer if the Newsletter plugin is installed
- 1.2 - 14/10/2016 : Use PHP-Gettext in place of gettext
- 1.1.1 - 12/03/2016 : Update Simple-php-captcha.
- 1.1 - 21/11/2015 : Remove Table structure.
- 1.0.1 - 05/11/2015 : Fix bugs and auto set default admin email
- 1.0 - 05/10/2015 : First stable version