Test suite(s) for ixml
This project contains collections of tests for invisible XML, together with supporting materials. For more on invisible XML, see https://invisiblexml.org and material linked from there.
The subdirectory organization is fairly simple:
The A (admin) directory contains work plans and similar stuff.
The doc directory contains documentation and technical papers, including:
The lib directory contains schemas and other ancillary materials.
The tests-straw directory contains a proof-of-concept test suite for ixml parsing functionality, with catalog and test cases and results (some as separate files, some in the catalog). At the moment, these include:
Tests for a simple grammar of arithmetic expressions
Tests for several artificially small grammars
Tests for invisible XML itself
Further test suites may be added later in further tests-* directories.
For now, the default license is GPL 3.0, though I am not sure whether that actually makes sense for test cases; other license terms may be available.