Data for the CMSSW RecoHGCal/TICL package
- TensorFlow:
- Introduction
- CMSSW interface (still under construction)
- PhysicsTools/ONNXRuntime
: The TensorFlow model for trackster energy regression and particle ID has been trained on the TICLv4 data and used within TICLv4.v0
: Simple CNN-based approach. The neutral pion, neutral hadron, ambiguous and unknown probabilities are set to a constant value of 0. See the talk at the Reco/AT meeting for more info. Input and output tensors:"input"
: Input tensor with dimensionbatch x 50 (layers) x 10 (clusters) x 3 (features)
: Output tensor with dimensionbatch x 8
representing particle ID "probabilities" (from a softmax output). The probabiltities refer to photon, electron, muon, neutral pion, charged hadron, neutral hadron, ambiguous and unknown cases (in that order)."output/regressed_energy"
: Output tensor with dimensionbatch x 1
representing the regressed energy value for the trackster.
: ONNX models (from PyTorch) for superclustering of electrons.superclustering/supercls_v2p1.onnx
: DNN, inputs features computed from pairs of tracksters (uses inputs defined inSuperclusteringDNNInputV2
). Input format :batch x 17 (features)
. Outputs score (dimensionbatch
) giving "probability" that the sub-leading trackster is a bremmstrahlung photon of the leading trackster. Optimal working point : 0.3.superclustering/regression_v1.onnx
: DNN for supercluster energy regression. Input format :batch x 8 (features)
. Output :batch x 1
(supercluster regressed energy). Used inRecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/
: The models are trained based on TICLv5 reconstruction information using a simple CNN-based approach. Two models have been trained separately: one for trackster energy regression and one for particle ID. These models are saved in ONNX format for time optimization.Common input tensor
: Both models share the same initial input tensor, dimensions batch x 50 (layers) x 10 (clusters) x 3 (features).ticlv5/patternrecognition/id_v*.onnx
: Input tensor with dimensions batch x 50 (layers) x 10 (clusters) x 3 (features)."output/pid_output"
: Output tensor with dimensions batch x 8 representing particle ID probabilities (from a softmax output). The probabilities refer to: photon, electron, muon, neutral pion, charged hadron(pion), neutral hadron(kaon), ambiguous, and unknown cases (in that order). The probabilities help in classifying the particle based on its type, distinguishing between hadronic and electromagnetic categories.
: Input tensor with dimensions batch x 50 (layers) x 10 (clusters) x 3 (features), concatenated with the output of the particle ID model ("output/pid_output")."output/enreg_output"
: Output Tensor with dimension batch x 1 (regressed energy). This value represents the trackster energy as estimated by the model based on the training data, compared to the true and reconstructed energies of the particle.