Rivers, lakes and wetlands are generally known to be net sources of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere as they regularly emit CO2 and CH4, but much work remains quantifying spatial variability and sources, especially for large river systems highly impacted by human activities and infrastructure. The motivation behind this collaborative effort is to build an online, open-source tool for synthesizing remotely sensed watershed-related geospatial data with in situ field observations of water chemistry. Our ultimate goal is to automate data ingestion, fusion and exploration to help understand the patterns and controls driving changes in aquatic greenhouse gases to help inform regional and global carbon budgets.
- matplotlib
- pandas
- Bokeh
- scikit-learn
- numpy
- statsmodels
Here are how to install packages:
1. Download miniconda and install it on your system and use the conda command-line tool to update your package listing and install the IPython notebook:
$ conda update conda
$ conda install ipython-notebook
$ conda install numpy scipy pandas matplotlib
conda install bokeh
This will install the most recent published Bokeh release from the Continuum Analytics Anaconda repository, along with all dependencies.
pip install bokeh
To run our demo notebooks or our packages, clone this github repo to your local machine and navigate to the Analysis folder. From here, you can import our functions and run demo Notebooks locally
This project utilizes the MIT license.