This app is for demoing OpenShift Pipelines
Apply the yaml in the monitoring folder
oc create ns hello-world
oc label namespace hello-world
oc policy add-role-to-user monitoring-edit system:serviceaccount:openshift-gitops:openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n hello-world
oc create ns hello-world-dev
oc label namespace hello-world-dev
oc policy add-role-to-user monitoring-edit system:serviceaccount:openshift-gitops:openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n hello-world-dev
Add the yamls in the argo folder
oc create ns hello-world
oc project hello-world
Make sure to run from inside namespace hello-world
kubectl create secret generic github --from-literal token="MY_TOKEN"
kubectl apply -f
oc create secret docker-registry quay-registry --docker-username= --docker-password=
oc secrets link pipeline quay-registry --for=pull,mount
oc get routes
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-reader -z pipeline
Apply the manifest in Monitoring
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user monitoring-edit -z pipeline
Add Grafana Operator to namespace my-grafana
Create a Grafana instance with the name my-grafana
oc apply -f Grafana/grafana.yaml
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-monitoring-view -z grafana-serviceaccount
oc serviceaccounts get-token grafana-serviceaccount -n my-grafana
Replace BEARER_TOKEN in grafana-ds.yaml
oc apply -f Grafana/grafana-ds.yaml