Minima is a shared pin-board that lets you simply organise your notes. Minima is a standalone server that you can run on your host.
Try the online demo
Peek at this project board (read only)
Current development banch is 0.11
- add, edit, delete and drag notes between lists
- add, edit, delete and rearrange lists
- undo delete note
- live updates: all connected browsers are updated
- desktop notifications (supported browsers only)
- password protection - same password for all users (see configuration below to enable)
- optional readonly view for access without password (see configuration below to enable)
- standalone java server and embedded database: get up and running in seconds
- Download the latest jar
- java -jar Minima-0.10-standalone.jar (or doubleclick)
- browse to http://localhost:8989/index
All configurations are optional
- -Dminima.port=8989 - http port, defaults to 8989
- -Dminima.db.dir=./minima-db - database directory, defaults to ./minima-db and is created if it does not exist
- -Dminima.board.default.title=Minima - default board title (as shown on the index page). Defaults to "Minima"
- -Dminima.password="" - password to protect this minima instance. By default there is no password and the board is open to all
- -Dminima.readonly=false - if this is set to true and a password is configured, non-authenticated users can see but not modify the board
- -Dminima.websocket.location=auto - explicit the websocket url. This allows to use the main app trough a proxy that does not support websockets, but send websocket connections directly to minima. Default to "auto" which should do the right thing for non-proxied minima instances
- clone project from github
- mvn eclipse:eclipse
- file -> import -> existing projects...
- mvn assembly:assembly
- java -jar target/Minima-0.9-standalone.jar
Options to /index
- ?devel: JS and CSS files will be loaded separately and with all caching disabled
- ?readonly: the UI be rendered as if in read-only mode
- inverted ui so 'add note button' now is always on top - beware: existing notes will be listed in inverse order
- undo for note archive
- top bar is now pinned to the top of the viewport
- edit/create note textarea expands as the user types
- user can Alt-Enter or Ctrl-Enter to add a newline in note edit
- production css and js cached and compressed
- lists can be added, archived and rearranged
- using backbone.js
- css and javascript files are served rolled up by default
- board can be protected by password
- protected boards can be made available in readonly mode
- list name can be edited
- now using backbone.js and underscore.js templates
- optionally configure webapp root
- websockets friendly with proxies
- push updates on non-websocket browsers (using long polling)
- User interface scales with window size
- Support for desktop notifications (HTML 5, supported browsers only)
- Refined user interface (simpler)
- Highlighting #hash tags and @at tags
- (Moved lists definition on server)
- (Changed database format on database + automatic upgrade)
- Add, create, archive cards
- All changes are pushed to all clients (WebSockets only)
- Http API
- All data stored as plain text files using Keez/KeezFileDb
- Web ui built with jquery and custom javascript