Source for npm package meanio. mean-cli is a core package of the project and is used primarily to manage packages for extending functionality, for example adding a package to enable inline editable tokens.
The cli provides a lot of useful functionality, such as scaffolding options to create new packages, assign roles to users, check the mongo status, add/remove packages and list currently installed packages.
See!/docs for more in-depth information about mean.
- The bin file used for cli operations.
- Core functionality for managing mean packages.
Install Package:
$ [sudo] npm install -g mean-cli
Explore CLI functionality:
$ mean --help
Create a new mean app:
$ mean init <NameOfYourApp>
Install Dependencies:
$ cd <NameOfYourApp> && npm install
Create a sample mean package:
$ mean package <NameOfYourPackage>
Run your app:
$ gulp