- 3851278: Add Dependabot; Switch to goreleaser (@benjaminguttmann-avtq)
- c162b4a: Merge pull request #65 from bosh-prometheus/add-dependatbot-switch-to-goreleaser (@psycofdj)
- 397a385: add stale workflow (@psycofdj)
- 54ceb6a: bump dependencies (@psycofdj)
- 9dcdd17: clean sync map instead re-allocating (@ArthurHlt)
- 3f85846: complete rewrite with retro compatibilit (@ArthurHlt)
- faf77ea: ensure test and docker are run even when testing/release tool update (@ArthurHlt)
- 61b7733: give additional operations to stale-issue-pr (@psycofdj)
- b11c19c: improve performance and use less ram (@ArthurHlt)