CB-Spider v0.5.9
- Fix 'restart long time issue'(#664)
- Pass RootDisk Type and Size 'default' option to CSP
- Add initial NLB Driver of Azure and IBM-VPC
- Add new Locking mechanism and Concurrent Tests
- Improve the ListVPC() and ListVM() fetch performance
What's Changed
- [IBM-VPC] NLBHandler by @inno-cloudbarista in #669
- GCP RootDiskType, RootDiskSize 설정 보완 - 이슈 660 반영 by @MZC-CSC in #668
- [Azure] NLBHandler 기능 구현 by @inno-cloudbarista in #671
- [Openstack]VMHandler - VolumeClient 안전 처리 by @inno-cloudbarista in #673
Full Changelog: v0.5.8...v0.5.9