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split ide stuff into a package (#339)
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* split ide stuff into a package

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  • Loading branch information
Uunnamed authored Oct 5, 2020
1 parent 2097168 commit f357adb
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Showing 6 changed files with 194 additions and 181 deletions.
179 changes: 2 additions & 177 deletions src/etaoin/ide.clj → src/etaoin/ide/api.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
(ns etaoin.ide
(:require [cheshire.core :refer [parse-stream generate-string]]
[ :as io]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
(ns etaoin.ide.api
(:require [cheshire.core :refer [generate-string]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :refer [is]]
[ :as log]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,176 +632,3 @@
(when-not (= msg "OK")
(throw result))

(def control-flow-commands
#{:do :times :while :forEach :if :elseIf :else :end :repeatIf})

(defn cmd? [cmd]
(fn [command]
(some-> command :command (= cmd))))

(s/def ::command-if
(s/cat :if (s/cat :this (cmd? :if)
:branch ::commands)
:else-if (s/* (s/cat :this (cmd? :elseIf)
:branch ::commands))
:else (s/? (s/cat :this (cmd? :else)
:branch ::commands))
:end (cmd? :end)))

(s/def ::command-times
(s/cat :this (cmd? :times)
:branch ::commands
:end (cmd? :end)))

(s/def ::command-while
(s/cat :this (cmd? :while)
:branch ::commands
:end (cmd? :end)))

(s/def ::command-do
(s/cat :this (cmd? :do)
:branch ::commands
:repeat-if (cmd? :repeatIf)))

(s/def ::command-for-each
(s/cat :this (cmd? :forEach)
:branch ::commands
:end (cmd? :end)))

(s/def ::cmd-with-open-window
(fn [{:keys [opensWindow]}]
(true? opensWindow)))

(s/def ::command
(fn [{:keys [command]}]
(and (some? command)
(nil? (get control-flow-commands command)))))

(s/def ::commands
(s/+ (s/alt
:if ::command-if
:times ::command-times
:while ::command-while
:do ::command-do
:for-each ::command-for-each
:cmd-with-open-window ::cmd-with-open-window
:cmd ::command)))

(declare execute-commands)

(defn execute-branch
[driver {:keys [this branch]} opt]
(when (run-command-with-log driver this opt)
(execute-commands driver branch opt)

(defn execute-if
[driver {:keys [if else-if else end]} opt]
(or (execute-branch driver if opt)
(some #(execute-branch driver % opt) else-if)
(execute-commands driver (:branch else) opt))
(run-command-with-log driver end opt))

(defn execute-times
[driver {:keys [this branch end]} opt]
(let [n (run-command-with-log driver this opt)]
(doseq [commands (repeat n branch)]
(execute-commands driver commands opt))
(run-command-with-log driver end opt)))

(defn execute-do
[driver {:keys [this branch repeat-if]} opt]
(run-command-with-log driver this opt)
(loop [commands branch]
(execute-commands driver commands opt)
(when (run-command-with-log driver repeat-if opt)
(recur commands))))

(defn execute-while
[driver {:keys [this branch end]} opt]
(while (run-command-with-log driver this opt)
(execute-commands driver branch opt))
(run-command-with-log driver end opt))

(defn execute-for-each
[driver {:keys [this branch end]} {vars :vars :as opt}]
(let [[var-name arr] (run-command-with-log driver this opt)]
(doseq [val arr]
(swap! vars assoc var-name val)
(execute-commands driver branch opt))
(run-command-with-log driver end opt)))

(defn execute-cmd-with-open-window
[driver {:keys [windowHandleName windowTimeout] :as cmd} {vars :vars :as opt}]
(let [init-handles (set (get-window-handles driver))
_ (run-command-with-log driver cmd opt)
_ (wait (/ windowTimeout 1000))
final-handles (set (get-window-handles driver))
handle (first (clojure.set/difference final-handles init-handles))]
(swap! vars assoc (str->var windowHandleName) handle)))

(defn execute-commands
[driver commands opt]
(doseq [[cmd-name cmd] commands]
(case cmd-name
:if (execute-if driver cmd opt)
:times (execute-times driver cmd opt)
:do (execute-do driver cmd opt)
:while (execute-while driver cmd opt)
:for-each (execute-for-each driver cmd opt)
:cmd-with-open-window (execute-cmd-with-open-window driver cmd opt)
:cmd (run-command-with-log driver cmd opt)
(throw (ex-info "Command is not valid" {:command cmd})))))

(defn run-ide-test
[driver {:keys [commands]} & [opt]]
(let [command->kw (fn [{:keys [command] :as cmd}]
(assoc cmd :command (keyword command)))
commands (map command->kw commands)
commands-tree (s/conform ::commands commands)]
(when (s/invalid? commands-tree)
(throw (ex-info "Incomplete or invalid command in the config"
{:explain-data (s/explain-data ::commands commands)})))
(execute-commands driver commands-tree opt)))

(defn get-tests-by-suite-id
[suite-id id {:keys [suites tests]}]
(let [test-ids (-> (filter #(= suite-id (id %)) suites)
suite-tests (filter #(test-ids (:id %)) tests)]

(defn find-tests
[{:keys [test-id test-ids suite-id suite-ids test-name suite-name]}
{:keys [suites tests] :as parsed-file}]
(let [test-ids (cond-> #{}
test-id (conj (first (filter #(= test-id (:id %)) tests)))
test-name (conj (first (filter #(= test-name (:name %)) tests)))
suite-id (into (get-tests-by-suite-id suite-id :id parsed-file))
suite-name (into (get-tests-by-suite-id suite-name :name parsed-file))
test-ids (into (filter #((set test-ids) (:id %)) tests))
suite-ids (into (mapcat #(get-tests-by-suite-id % :id parsed-file) suite-ids)))
tests-found (filter test-ids tests)]
(if (empty? tests-found)

(defn run-ide-script
[driver path & [opt]]
(let [parsed-file (with-open [rdr (io/reader path)]
(parse-stream rdr true))
opt-search (select-keys opt [:test-name :test-id :test-ids
:suite-name :suite-id :suite-ids])
tests-found (find-tests opt-search parsed-file)
opt (merge {:base-url (:url parsed-file)
:vars (atom {})}
(doseq [test tests-found]
(run-ide-test driver test opt))))
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions src/etaoin/ide/flow.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
(ns etaoin.ide.flow
(:require [cheshire.core :refer [parse-stream]]
[ :as io]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[etaoin.api :refer :all]
[etaoin.ide.api :refer [run-command-with-log str->var]]
[etaoin.ide.spec :as spec]))

(declare execute-commands)

(defn execute-branch
[driver {:keys [this branch]} opt]
(when (run-command-with-log driver this opt)
(execute-commands driver branch opt)

(defn execute-if
[driver {:keys [if else-if else end]} opt]
(or (execute-branch driver if opt)
(some #(execute-branch driver % opt) else-if)
(execute-commands driver (:branch else) opt))
(run-command-with-log driver end opt))

(defn execute-times
[driver {:keys [this branch end]} opt]
(let [n (run-command-with-log driver this opt)]
(doseq [commands (repeat n branch)]
(execute-commands driver commands opt))
(run-command-with-log driver end opt)))

(defn execute-do
[driver {:keys [this branch repeat-if]} opt]
(run-command-with-log driver this opt)
(loop [commands branch]
(execute-commands driver commands opt)
(when (run-command-with-log driver repeat-if opt)
(recur commands))))

(defn execute-while
[driver {:keys [this branch end]} opt]
(while (run-command-with-log driver this opt)
(execute-commands driver branch opt))
(run-command-with-log driver end opt))

(defn execute-for-each
[driver {:keys [this branch end]} {vars :vars :as opt}]
(let [[var-name arr] (run-command-with-log driver this opt)]
(doseq [val arr]
(swap! vars assoc var-name val)
(execute-commands driver branch opt))
(run-command-with-log driver end opt)))

(defn execute-cmd-with-open-window
[driver {:keys [windowHandleName windowTimeout] :as cmd} {vars :vars :as opt}]
(let [init-handles (set (get-window-handles driver))
_ (run-command-with-log driver cmd opt)
_ (wait (/ windowTimeout 1000))
final-handles (set (get-window-handles driver))
handle (first (clojure.set/difference final-handles init-handles))]
(swap! vars assoc (str->var windowHandleName) handle)))

(defn execute-commands
[driver commands opt]
(doseq [[cmd-name cmd] commands]
(case cmd-name
:if (execute-if driver cmd opt)
:times (execute-times driver cmd opt)
:do (execute-do driver cmd opt)
:while (execute-while driver cmd opt)
:for-each (execute-for-each driver cmd opt)
:cmd-with-open-window (execute-cmd-with-open-window driver cmd opt)
:cmd (run-command-with-log driver cmd opt)
(throw (ex-info "Command is not valid" {:command cmd})))))

(defn run-ide-test
[driver {:keys [commands]} & [opt]]
(let [command->kw (fn [{:keys [command] :as cmd}]
(assoc cmd :command (keyword command)))
commands (map command->kw commands)
commands-tree (s/conform ::spec/commands commands)]
(when (s/invalid? commands-tree)
(throw (ex-info "Incomplete or invalid command in the config"
{:explain-data (s/explain-data ::spec/commands commands)})))
(execute-commands driver commands-tree opt)))

(defn get-tests-by-suite-id
[suite-id id {:keys [suites tests]}]
(let [test-ids (-> (filter #(= suite-id (id %)) suites)
suite-tests (filter #(test-ids (:id %)) tests)]

(defn find-tests
[{:keys [test-id test-ids suite-id suite-ids test-name suite-name]}
{:keys [tests] :as parsed-file}]
(let [test-ids (cond-> #{}
test-id (conj (first (filter #(= test-id (:id %)) tests)))
test-name (conj (first (filter #(= test-name (:name %)) tests)))
suite-id (into (get-tests-by-suite-id suite-id :id parsed-file))
suite-name (into (get-tests-by-suite-id suite-name :name parsed-file))
test-ids (into (filter #((set test-ids) (:id %)) tests))
suite-ids (into (mapcat #(get-tests-by-suite-id % :id parsed-file) suite-ids)))
tests-found (filter test-ids tests)]
(if (empty? tests-found)

(defn run-ide-script
[driver path & [opt]]
(let [parsed-file (with-open [rdr (io/reader path)]
(parse-stream rdr true))
opt-search (select-keys opt [:test-name :test-id :test-ids
:suite-name :suite-id :suite-ids])
tests-found (find-tests opt-search parsed-file)
opt (merge {:base-url (:url parsed-file)
:vars (atom {})}
(doseq [test tests-found]
(run-ide-test driver test opt))))
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/etaoin/ide/main.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
(ns etaoin.ide.main
(:require [etaoin.api :refer :all]
[etaoin.ide.flow :refer [run-ide-script]])

(defn -main
[& args])
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions src/etaoin/ide/spec.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
(ns etaoin.ide.spec
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))

(def control-flow-commands
#{:do :times :while :forEach :if :elseIf :else :end :repeatIf})

(defn cmd? [cmd]
(fn [command]
(some-> command :command (= cmd))))

(s/def ::command-if
(s/cat :if (s/cat :this (cmd? :if)
:branch ::commands)
:else-if (s/* (s/cat :this (cmd? :elseIf)
:branch ::commands))
:else (s/? (s/cat :this (cmd? :else)
:branch ::commands))
:end (cmd? :end)))

(s/def ::command-times
(s/cat :this (cmd? :times)
:branch ::commands
:end (cmd? :end)))

(s/def ::command-while
(s/cat :this (cmd? :while)
:branch ::commands
:end (cmd? :end)))

(s/def ::command-do
(s/cat :this (cmd? :do)
:branch ::commands
:repeat-if (cmd? :repeatIf)))

(s/def ::command-for-each
(s/cat :this (cmd? :forEach)
:branch ::commands
:end (cmd? :end)))

(s/def ::cmd-with-open-window
(fn [{:keys [opensWindow]}]
(true? opensWindow)))

(s/def ::command
(fn [{:keys [command]}]
(and (some? command)
(nil? (get control-flow-commands command)))))

(s/def ::commands
(s/+ (s/alt
:if ::command-if
:times ::command-times
:while ::command-while
:do ::command-do
:for-each ::command-for-each
:cmd-with-open-window ::cmd-with-open-window
:cmd ::command)))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/etaoin/ide_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns etaoin.ide-test
(:require [etaoin.api :as api]
[etaoin.ide :as ide]
[etaoin.ide.flow :as ide]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[ :as io]))

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