NMEA 0183 is a combined electrical and data specification for communication between marine electronics such as echo sounder, sonars, anemometer, gyrocompass, autopilot, GPS receivers and many other types of instruments
The following data text:
will be easily parsed with this java code:
import com.clickntap.nmea.NMEA;
import com.clickntap.nmea.NMEAUtils;
import com.clickntap.nmea.Position;
NMEA nmea = new NMEA();
JSONObject json = nmea.parse(text);
Position position = NMEAUtils.parsePosition(json);
The Output JSON:
"messages": [
"items": [
"fixQuality": 2,
"altitude": 110.3,
"altitudeMetric": "M",
"code": "GGA",
"latitude": 45.498747,
"horizontalDilutionOfPosition": 1.5,
"geoidalMetric": "M",
"numberOfSatellites": 6,
"time": "104734.000",
"longitude": 9.232082,
"geoidal": 48
"mode": "3",
"code": "GSA",
"automatic": "A"
"date": "120218",
"code": "RMC",
"latitude": 45.498747,
"speedKnots": 0.53,
"time": "104734.000",
"validity": "A",
"trackMadeGood": 241.11,
"longitude": 9.232082
"code": "VTG",
"speedKnots": 0.53,
"trackMadeGood": 241.11,
"speedKmPerHours": 0.98
"info": {
"date": "120218",
"altitude": 110.3,
"latitude": 45.498747,
"speedKnots": 0.53,
"numberOfSatellites": 6,
"time": "104734.000",
"longitude": 9.232082,
"speedKmPerHours": 0.98
The interpreted sentences are:
- $GPGGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data
- $GPGSA - GPS DOP and active satellites
- $GPGSV - GPS Satellites in view
- $GPRMC - Recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data
- $GPVTG - Track made good and ground speed
But it's really easy to add a new interpreter.
Having trouble with NMEA API 1.x? Contact [email protected] and we’ll help you sort it out.